Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wednesday Junior High 1: Constant

It was quite windy here at CPBC today. The morning started off cool, which was much welcomed after the sticky heat of yesterday. The flag was raised, the pledge was said, and the kids were fed. Some very creative cabin clean up led into outside chapel at the ampitheatre. The campers enjoyed a change of scenery as well as nemesis getting pushed into the water during the skit. Once personal devotions were done the campers participated in their skill time classes. A lot of energy was used up so they were all ready and excited for a tasty pizza lunch. After K-Bar the kids met by the ball field, as they were getting told instructions to the game the staff ran out of hiding covered in mud and into the woods for the camper favorite game of Guerilla Warfare. It was intense as kids ran through the woods trying not to get caught by the guerillas as they searched for the General. When the game ended and all the mud had been washed off free time began. A healthy, filling dinner allowed for some creative skit prep time and an energetic chapel. The speaker reminded the campers not to let camp be simpliy a mountain top experience but to let it last as they get back home and then into the school year. Pirate Patrol was the game tonight. The campers had to navigate their way through a obstacle covered ball field to get the highly prised treasure. Once that had ended they headed to the dinning hall for the drama. They sat and absorbed all of the ways that God is like water, the final attribute being God, like water, is Constant, reminding us that God never ends, he was there, he is here and he will always be here. How amazing is that, truly, to know that God is always with us.