Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday Senior High 1: Passion
Starting off as a typical camp day always does; with a filling breakfast of pancakes, cabin clean up time, and chapel, the day was sure to be a day undeniably full of the movement of the Holy Spirit, as all days here are. The rest of the morning consisted of virtues class, personal devotions and Cabin time. After a cook out on fireside lawn for lunch the rest of the afternoon was free time for the campers. A filling fajita dinner led to a fun mail call where they, with great enthusiasm, played guess that tv show theme song. Then we had a coffee house K-BAR time where the popular coffee shop was open and two of our staff members performed some music that they have written. Then was the big event of the evening, chapel. After going through the daily verses the worship was led with only guitar and vocals. The speaker then came up and shared the essence of the christian faith in a powerful way. He reminded us of our sin, our struggle with missing the mark, but this time it ended with hope. After watching a clip of the Passion, the senior highers were reminded or told for the first time, that all of it was for them. Everything that Jesus suffered through was for their salvaton, not because he thought it would be fun, or because he couldn't save himself (because he very well could have); he stayed on the cross because death needed to be defeated so that we could live with him forever. The speaker went deep and the senior highers understood, and they felt it, and through the prompting of the Holy Spirit inside these campers, lives where changed.