Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday Junior High 2: Seek God
After a week of awesome kids kamp and family camp we were excited to welcome up the Junior High 2 campers! They arrived and quickly got of the busses anxious to begin their week at camp. They all congregated by the playground for an entertaining introduction to the skit characters and the entire staff. After being sorted into their cabin groups a delicious taco lunch was served. Then the first day orientation began. The boys went to the low ropes course first and the girls went to the rotation. Halfway through the afternoon they switched. Everybody enjoyed the ropes course and the challanges and bonding it provided for the cabin. Dinner was next, chicken strips with french fries, a favored meal among the campers. Right after dinner was cabin time. All of the campers enjoyed they activities that they participated in and they all came closer together as cabin groups through not only the shared experience but through encouraging eachother to over come fears and obstacles as well. Chapel followed Cabin time. It was a blast a chapel. We had worship time with some high energy praise songs, the staff song, the continued introduction of the skit characters, a staff member give her testimony, and the speaker talk to us. He asked those who had a deep desire to seek God with everything they have this week to keel as he prayed for them and then, as we were kneeling, he dedicated the week to God and the many ways that He will work in the campers this week. An intense game of Capture the Duck followed chapel and then cabin devotions and bed time so that the campers could rest and have energy for the fun day ahead of them.