Monday, July 16, 2007
Monday Trailblazers 2: Loud Voices
What an awesome first day, and what a great group of campers. Arriving at about 12:40 the campers were greeted on the staff members on the bus, and then they were greeted by the rest of the staff members on the playground where the introductions were held. The cmpers got split into their cabins and headed off for their sloppy jo lunch. At 2:10 the siren was pulled and all of the campers and staff ran to fireside lawn for some rules and a camp picture. Then the first day orientation rotation. The boys started out at the beach/hayride/nurses' check, and the girls started out at the ropes course then switch. Dinner followed, a mashed potato and gravy dinner, and then mail call where Egg Man's sister's visited, and had raw egg night. Only one egg was the surprise of all. Cabin time followed, which provided an important opportunity for the cabins to grow closer together at the beginning of the week, and then chapel. Chapel was wonderful, for the first time the summer, the campers were heard above the sound system, and what an incredible thing, hearing the voices of these campers rising to GOd in praise. The speaker told the campers about some of the attributes of God to start off the week, and then challanged them to think about which one was their favorite. The last activity of the evening was capture the duck which the campers were estatic about! THe boys won the first round and nobody one the second round, but both rounds were enjoyed by all! Then off to cabins for devos and to bed for a good night's sleep.