Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday Trailblazers 3: Water
WOO HOO first day of Trailblazers 3! After an eventful busride up, when one of the busses broke down, the campers were so excited to get to camp! After staff introductions the campers got split up into their cabin groups and headed off to a sloppy joe lunch. Once all the campers had gotten their meal they were taught how to put their dishes away properly, and they were also reminded to drink water at every meal, since it's going to be a hot week and we want the campers to stay hydrated. When their appitites had been satisfied the campers went to get their luggage and then to settle into their cabins! The siren was pulled at 2:00 and the whole camp ran up to fireside lawn. With the picture taken and the campers having been told the rules, the orientation rotation/low ropes afternoon activities began. The girls went to the low ropes course first to work on some cabin bonding, and the boys participated in the swim test/hay ride/nurses check. After all the boys had finished that they switched and the boys headed to the low ropes course and the girls to the other activities. Dinner of mashed potatoes followed, and as the after dinner entertanment for mail call the campers enjoyed a visit from Egg Man. Cabin time was right after dinner and so the cabin groups split up and went to different activities around camp to get even more acquainted with the people that would be their family for the rest of the week. Chapel was next and it consisted of a lot of fun very high energy jumping songs, the staff song, sung to 'A Whole New World', the skits, a staff testimony where the staff member spoke of different kinds of worship, offering, and then the speaker who told us about listening to God and challanged us to think about who we are listening to. To close out the evening we played Capture the Duck boys vs. girls style. It was a draw game, but all of the campers had a blast none the less, so they went to their cabins for some cabin devos, got ready for bed, and then went to bed, excited about the day they just had and excited about all of the fun stuff they'll get to do tomorrow.