Thursday, July 19, 2007
Wednesday Trailblazers 2: Fire
Well the day started off in typical camp fashion. The bell rung and the campers filed out of their cabins and to the flag pole for flag raising and then proceeded to Oak Ridge for morning let in! Their bellies were filled and energized with waffles (strawberries optional) and a cereal of their choosing. The campers, after making their cabins spotless, headed to morning chapel. They sang some fun songs, learned a new verse and caught up with the goings on of the pirates in the skit. Skill time followed personal devotions. It was a perfect day of all of the ranges of skill classes from archery or tye dying, to sailing or frisbee golf. Lunch was served at the beach and let in was performed by the pirate lifeguards. All of the campers enjoyed eating their hamburgers picnic style with their cabins. K-Bar allowed the campers to rest up for the beach bash! Splitting up boys and girls between the beach and the ballfield, all of the campers got to enjoy activities such as tug of war and dodgeball with wet sponges instead of balls, it was the beach bash after all, we couldn't let them stay too dry. Free time followed, and again the beach was very busy because it was a hot day. Of course all of the other activites at camp were busy as well. Dinner was chicken and mashed potatoes whis was quite delicious and gobbled up by all. Find the Fire was the evening game and was played right after dinner. The campers had to run around camp to different fires and find out which fire was the 'real' fire to get beads and earn points for their cabin. Chapel was the final event of the evening, and the speaker shared salvation with the campers and gave them the option to accept Jesus Christ into their lives. The Holy Spirit moved powerfully in chapel last night. The campers then went off to do cabin devotions and then to sleep to replenish their energy for the next day.