Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Tuesday Senoir High 2: Messy
The day started out bright and early for some, with a swim from the beach to the rope swing and back. The water was warmer thane xpected for most of the participants and a good start to the day. The day started for ther est of the campers at breakfast, which was biscuts and gravy. Once the campers had cleaned their cabins, they headed to chapel where they worshiped and then watched the morning skit (Which had little hints of star wars in it) and began following captain wood in eye, more n' more and leg up on their journey. Then the campers went to virtues. Virtues is a time where the campers learn more about one of four things, Self Control, Perserverance, Faith, and Love. By the end of the week all of the campers will have gone to all four of the virtues. After virtues was personal devotions time. The final activity of the morning was skills classes. Lunch was followed by a short k-bar and then an intense game of whip n' strip! The campers as well as the staff were so excited. Everybody played their hardest and by the time free time rolled around, we were all excited to relax a little bit. Dinner was next and consisted of some very tasty fajitas. Immediately after dinner was poweder puff football. It was a great game, all of the girls played their hearts out and it was fun for the campers to cheer on their peers. A short free time followed poweder puff and then it was time for chapel! After worship and the staff testimony, the speaker began. Tonight she told us about how life is messy, you cannot avoid mess in your life, but God' love for us so so great that he is willing to clean up that mess, and even look at us while we are in the midst of the mess and love us so very deeply despite the mess that we have found ourselves in. Fugivite was the 'last' event of the evening, then the campers headed back to their cabins for some devos. Oh but wait, there's more. A surprise game of midnight whip n' strip, three teams of campers and one game of staff, closed out the day on a very fun note!