Thursday, August 2, 2007
Wednesday Trailblazers 3: Trust
The day started out wonderfully. The campers woke up, went to rlag raising/cast off, and then to breakfast for some breakfast dogs. Once they were full the cleaned up their tables and headed to their cabins to do some cabin clean up. Chapel followed, and the kids got to continue hearing the story of captain wood in eye and his crew, and their fight against the nemesis as they puruse the treasure of the 'isla de vida.' Personal devotions were followed skills time. The campers had a blast at skills classes again. They love learning new things, and improving at the gifts and talents that God gave them. Lunch was at the beach as the campers got to enjoy let in led by pirate lifeguards. Unfortunately, shortly after lunch it began to rain. So the Beach Bash that was planned had to be cancled. However, the campers still had a lot of fun because we got to play some awesome games in the gym and then, once it stopped raining, in the ballfield. Once again, free time was after the 'beach bash' and fortunately, it had stopped raining long enough for the beach and the tower to open on time, so the campers had all of the fun activities to choose from to participate in. Dinner was next followed by mail call where the kids got to test their knoweldge of camp through a game called zooma where the campers are shown places or activities at camp, except for the pictures are zoomed in really close so they have to guess what the picture is of. The campers loved it. Find the fire was the evening game. The campers had to run around camp to different fires and find the fire that the 'treasure' was hidden at before they got caught. Chapel was the final activity of the evening. After some worship and verse review the speaker began his talk. Tonight he spoke of trust as how we can completely trust Christ with everything...with our lives. He compared it to tandem sky diving, with the fact that you have to trust the person who is skydiving with you with everything, just like we need to trust Jesus with everything, even things we don't think are that big of a deal, we can trust God with. It is through that trusting him with everything that he saves us from our sin and gives us eternal life!