8:05 Flag Raising/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devotions
11:00 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:15 KBAR
2:00 Pack Play
3:00 Big Game
4:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:45 Chaos
7:15 Connect
8:00 Chapel
9:15 Night Game
10:15 Cabin Devos
11:00 Lights Out
It was a great day here at CPBC. The sun came out with few clouds and the air warmed up. There was a tasty nutrient giving breakfast as well as chapel, where two of the skit characters broke off from the rest of the group because she wanted to control people, so we'll see how that ends up going for them. Cabin time was the last activity of the morning, the campers went to different areas around camp and participated in sweet activities, there may have even been a cabin challange. Lunch led into a crazy awesome afternoon. This week we started a new activity time called Pack Play and what happens is three cabins buddy up, boys and girls mixed, and they spend a little bit of time almost every day with those cabins through the week. It really helps in getting campers to know people from other cabins. So they go to different parts of camp, play games and then just participate in activities such as climbing tower, swimming, and volleyball. The big game today was Whip N' Strip to the excitement of many, it was quite an intense game, everbody played their hardest! Free time was two hours leading into dinner, and then CHAOS, where they played Egg Man! (an all time camp favorite) Chapel was the main part of the evening, with some sweet worship, a great testimony about how we don't have to live our lives alone, there are always people who will walk with us, and then the speaker who spoke of how we all sin, but it's not the end, we can choose goodness always. To close out the night, we played a rousing game of fugitive. With many characters such as a lost boy, four square, and the blob, the campers had a great time capturing run aways and bringing them back to 'jail'. Once all had been caught, they headed back to their cabins, did some cabin devotions, reflecting on the day, and then headed off to bed.