Friday July 31
8:05 Flag Raise/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin CLean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devotions
11:15 Big Game
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Pack Attack Prep
2:30 Pack Attack
3:30 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:45 CHAOS
7:15 COnnect
7:45 Cabin Time
9:00 Chapel
10:00 Bonfire
10:30 Cabin Devos
11:15 Lights Out
what a great day for the junior highers! The morning started out the same as the other days this week except the big game was in the morning. We played Ultimate Frisbee Golf Bonanza! After Lunch (where there was some serious Pack Pride going on) and some rest time the campers got prepared for the Pack Attack! Then...2:30 Rolled around, and it was ON! The campers and staff got SO into it as the Packs Attacked! The Black Pack won, but all of the Packs had such a blast! The rest of the afternoon was free time, and then it was dinner. During CHAOS they had one last visit from Egg man, and then they had one more long cabin time. It was so fun for the cabins to hang out together after spending the week playing, growing, and learning together! Then it was time for the final evening chapel. All of the verses were reviewed, we heard a staff testimony, and then the speaker told us about David and the courage it took to figh Goliath, but How God was with him the whole time. Then we closed out the evening with the bonfire, and the campers had the opportunity to share with us what they learned through the week, and the resolutions they made for when they got back home. Then off to their cabins for one last cabin devos, and some rest for the ride home tomorrow.