10:00 Brunch
10:45 Cabin Clean Up
11:15 Chapel
12:00 Practices
12:45 Personal Devos
1:30 KBAR
2;00 Snack
3:00 Free TIme
6;00 Banquet
7:00 Free TIme
8;00 Talent Show
9:30 Chapel
10:45 Bonfire
11:15 Head to Cabins
12:00 Lights Out
Today we gave the senior highers the opportunity to sleep in a little bit since we have been keeping them up so late the other nights. They enjoyed the extra hour of sleep and when 10:00 rolled around they got a tasty brunch of egg dish, scones, granola, yogurt, fresh fruit...you know, everything good and tasty that you would want in the morning. The day went on as usual, just an hour later, and then there was snack at 2:00. After snack the rest of the afternoon was free time, but the camp closed down around 5:30 so that everybody could get ready for the banquet. Banquet night is one of the campers favorite night because it gives them a chance ot dress up and celebrate their years at camp. THere was a little bit of free time, and then a camper talent show. Chapel and then bonfire closed out the evening, and then they headed back to their cabins for cabin devos and went to bed for a good night's sleep :) before the bus ride home the next day.