8:05 First Word/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Cabin Devotions
11:00 Skill Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:30 Cabin Time
7:30 Evening game
8:45 Chapel
10:00 Cabin Devotions
10:30 Lights Out
The mornings went on as usual, including the last skills time of the week. After lunch and KBAR was the big game which was the much loved Whip n' Strip. After quite a long time of running to get cones and pulling socks the red team prevailed by getting all four of the cones in their corner. Afterwards was free time. It was a little overcast during the afternoon but that was no hinderance to participating in all of the awesome camp activities. Dinner was pretty much a thanksgiving meal in June, and the campers watched some crazy chaos games with full happy tummies. Cabin time was followed by the evening big game, which was CPBC clue. The campers were given clues to the location of different space characters who were hiding around camp, and they had to find the characters and retrieve their signatures. he first cabin to get all the signatures in order won! During chapel tonight they were told the story of when Jesus cast demons out of the man in the graveyard into the pigs in a nearby field. They were told this story because it shows the healing and life changing powers of Jesus, and the fact that He cannot be defeated, and Jesus will change us. The story ended with the man who was healed going to others and telling them all about what God had done, and because of him, others believed. They were challenged to live lives changed by Christ and to go and tell others about what God has done. Then they walked back to their cabin, had cabin devos, and were lulled to sleep by a comforting rain storm.