Thursday, June 25, 2009

8:45 Breakfast
9:30 Cabin Clean up
10:00 Chapel
10:45 Tools of Faith
11:15 Personal Devos
1:00 Lunch
1:45 KBAR
2:15 Big Game
3:15 Free Time
5:30 Dinner
6:15 Counselor Meeting
7:00 Powder Puff
8:15 Chapel
9:45 Free Time
10:15 Drama
11:00 Cabin Devos
12:00 Lights Out

Breakfast, cabin clean up and chapel, went on as usual. The campers then went to day two of tools of faith. Prayer is another tool of faith that the campers will learn about this week. During the time they went over the ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication) Structure of prayer, as well as talking about the different ways to pray. Letting the campers know that prayer isn't just folding your hands and bowing your heads at meals and before bed, but that prayer is something that you can do in any capacity and by any means; journaling, singing, communally etc. Prayer can be a way of life, an attitude that you carry with you at all times. A nice long cabin time was followed by lunch. It was cook out day so we had hamburgers and brats out on fireside lawn. After KBAR was the big game which, today, was whip n' strip. Two hours of free time and dinner led into an old and much loved senior high tradition, Powder Puff Football. The female staff take on the female campers for a intense, but still very fun, game of football. It's always a close game, but this time the staff won by one touchdown. From there we headed to chapel where the topic for the night was being lost. The speaker challenged the campers to take time between chapel tonight and chapel tomorrow night, to think about if there are areas in their lives where they are lost, where they are not surrendering to God. After a little bit of free time it was the drama. The campers traveled around camp and heard different stories of transformation through God's power, and God's power only.