8:05 First Word
8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:15 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 Chaos
6:30 Pack Play
7:30 Chapel
9:00 Night Game
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:45 Lights Out
It was a beautiful first full day of Junior High 1. The sun was shinning and the campers were bright with excitement for the day! Before breakfast was First Word where one of the staff members shares a small devotional thought for the morning. Then off to breakfast, where we had some tasty cinnamon rolls! After breakfast was cabin clean up. Each day the campers clean up their cabins and throw in a little creativity and they win points if their cabin is the cleanest and most creative. From there was Chapel where there was some worship time and skits time. After personal devos was cabin time and then lunch. KBAR (Kick Back and Relax) followed lunch so that the campers could get some energy for the afternoon activities. The big game of the day was Whip n' Strip, and though all of the teams put up a good fight, the blue team ended up victorious! There was free time for the rest of the afternoon, and since it was such a beautiful day all of the activities were open for the campers to partake in. After playing hard all afternoon it was finally time for a tasty dinner, which was followed by CHAOS! (or mail call) During chaos we heard a great story and played some messy, but quite entertaining games...some involving frosting and ice cream. Pack play was the next event of the evening. During junior high the cabins are split into co-ed groups to form packs and through the week they will meet as packs to prepare for the pack attack which will take place on friday. Following pack play was chapel where the speaker told us about equipping ourselves for the journey and then the final event of the evening was the night game which was Light the Fire. After which the campers headed back to their cabins, had some end of the day devos, and snuggled deep into their beds for a wonderful night's sleep.