Friday, July 10, 2009


8:05 First Word
8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:15 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:40 Pack Play
7:30 Evening Game
8:45 Chapel
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:45 Lights Out

First word, breakfast and cabin clean up led into chapel. During chapel there was some worship time, and then skits. During skits today the space voyagers time traveled back to the dawn of exploration on the canadian frontier. They ran into a little trouble understanding the french voyagers, but luckily, they were able to use the translator to understand each other. Then there was some personal devo time and cabin time. After lunch and KBAR the big game was Guerilla Warfare. The purpose of guerilla warfare is for the campers to find the general who is hiding somewhere in the woods...while not getting their sock pulled by the guerillas (staff). Free time was the rest of the afternoon and then it was dinner. During CHAOS the campers got to go play in the gym. There was one last pack play to prepare for the pack attack so packs made signs and worked on cheers. The evening game was fugitive, after which was Chapel. Tonight the campers had the opportunity to give their lives to Christ, as they were told the story of the sacrifice of the Cross. From there we headed back to cabins for devos and then went to bed.