Friday, June 29, 2007
Friday Kids Kamp 1: Fugitive
The counselors, excited to meet their campers, called off their cabins and headed to a delicious corn dog lunch. Everybody was hungry after getting off the bus. Once all of the eating was done the campers headed off with their counselors to get settled into the cabin. The siren was pulled and all of the kids ran up to fireside to listen to Josh give some very important rules. The campers were all very good listeners. Then, after an all camp picture the boys and girls split up for first day rotation. The girls went to the gym to play unity games and the boys went to the hay ride, the nurses' check, or the swimming beach. Since Kids Kampers don't take the swim test they just got to play in the water at the beach, which they all very much enjoyed! After they switched and the boys played games and the girls got to do the rotation it was dinner time. After dinner came a very fun cabin time where the campers had a blast participating in the activity that was chosen for them by their counselor. Then came chapel. The classic kid songs were sung and enjoyed by all, and then there were puppets that allowed the campers to be entertained while having open and attentive ears to hear about God's love and his timeless treasure. Fugitive was the last activity of the evening. Characters such as egg man, sharpay and gabrellia (from High School Musical), a bonzai tree, and a four square team showed up to give the campers an adventurous time.