Saturday, June 30, 2007
Saturday Kids Kamp 1: Black Light Puppets
What a day! The campers got up bright and early, so excited for the day to come! Breakfast was delicious and gave the campers even more energy. After breakfast was cabin clean up, and then they traveled up to chapel. During chapel the kids saw the next part of the pirate puppet show. Right after chapel was what is called 'the big switch' where half of the campers were at the ball field and half were at the beach and then they switched. At the ballfield they participated in a game, and at the beach they just had some fun free swim time. The water slide was very popular, there was a line of kids waiting patiently to go down it. Lunch fed their empty bellies and then k-bar prepared them for an exciting afternoon. The first thing we did was played 'Ocean's Deep' in the ballfield. A little bit wet from the game the campers headed to the beach for the beach bash. There they played tug of war in the water, and attempted to fill hole filled buckets with water, and buried their counselor in the sand, which was their favorite! An hour of freetime followed this beach bash and the campers spread out around camp with their cabins and had some fun enjoying the many activities that camp has to offer. Dinner was next followed by cabin time. Each of the cabins signed up for a fun activity and participated in it untill chapel. During chapel the campers sung some fun songs such as Awesome God, and then continued on with the puppet show, learning about how we can be new creations in Christ Jesus. The end of the camp bonfire was a fun time as the campers shared what they had learned this weekend, and as we sung a few songs together. The final event of the evening was the black light puppet show that took place in Lakeside Chapel. It was so much fun as the puppetters performed some awesome scenes to popular songs such as 'Big House', 'Every Move I Make', and 'Praise You in This Storm.' The campers then headed to their cabins for a good night's sleep.