Monday, June 9, 2008
OFFICALY WELCOME TO SUMMER 2008! The campers arrived today to a very excited staff. Though it is a camp of only 60 some campers, the energy and excitement is not in short supply. The campers were greeted by our friendly neighborhood sidekicks...Pinecone Peter, Ripped Rhonda, Belching Bertha, Duct Tape Deon...and...Matt. And then were introducted to their fearless summer staff 2008. They enjoyed a lunch of fresh deli sandwitches and proceeded onto their first day rotations. The afternoon was all about getting to know your cabin, this included a trip to the beach for their swim test, a hay ride tour of camp, and a nurses check, as well as a journey to the Low Ropes Course to bond as a cabin through various challanges. Following their rotations was their first cabin time when each of the cabins got to participate in different camp actitvities. By the time dinner rolled around they were ready to eat with their new friends. A little break after dinner led into chapel where we caught up with the fearless sidekicks metioned above and learned a little bit more about them, as well as learning the theme verse and day one verse to songs with actions to aid in their memorization of the verses. The final, activitiy of the evening was capture the duck boys verses girls, though the game ended in a tie it was an excellent game played with much passion. And now they are nestled down in their beds resting their bodies and preparing for the day ahead!