Tuesday, June 10, 2008
What a great first day for the campers. With a french toast stick breakfast filling their bellies they headed off to their morning where they went to chapel, cleaned their cabins, had some personal devotion time, and then skill time. The campers all went to different areas of camp to either improve on or learn different skills, such as archery, sailing, climbing, friendship bracelet making, etc. From lunch, they went to k-bar where they got to rest up to prepare for their afternoon. Cabin time was the first offical activity of the afternoon, like yesterday it was a time to bond more as a cabin, which is always a great opportunity, and a unique one to the camp setting. Then came the big game. The campers were exctied about the opportunity to play a camp favorite, Whip N' Strip. It was intense out there, but all played with good sportsmanship. the orange team won twice, and the red and green teams each won once. From there was free time. It was the first opportunity of the week for the campers to choose their own activities. Though the water was a little bit cold, that did not deter them from the beach, but other popular spots were the climbing tower and the craft hall. Ofcourse, many people visited the canteen for a mid afternoon snack. Dinner was followed by CHAOS (or mail call) where two very messy games were played. The honey cheerio game, and the ever popular EGG MAN! Much to the excitement of the campers. The evening consisted of chapel and a night game, which was fugitive, where the campers sought out characters such as Flounder, an air traffic controler, and skim boarders, to take them back to the 'jail.' After the game they headed back to their cabins for a time of devotion in community and some much anticipated sleep!