8:07 Raise the Flag/Breakfast
9:02 Cabin Clean up
9:32 Chapel
10:32 Personal Devotions
11:02 Skill time
12:17 Lunch
1:02 KBAR
2:02 Cabin Time
3:02 Big Game
4:02 Free Time
6:02 Dinner
6:32 CHAOS
7:02 Connect
7:47 Chapel
9:02 Night Game
9:47 Cabin Devotions
10:32 Lights Out
God certianly blessed us with a beautiful tuesday for TB3. It was warm and sunny and the sky was a beautiful blue. The day started off with a great french toast sticks breakfast, and from there headed into a daily morning here at covenant pines. Cabin clean up, chapel, and personal devotions. Skill time was the last activity of the morning. Skill time is a chance for the campers to get assinged to groups where they can learn new skills such as archery, soccer, and diving among many other things, or where they can improve on a skill that they already have. Lunch and KBAR energized the campers for the afternoon when they had cabin time followed by a big game, which was WHIP n' STRIP! All time favorite camp game for many many people. The rest of the afternoon was free time, and since it was such a beautiful day all of the options were open to the campers. They had so much fun exploring camp and all of the posibilities available to them during free time. After dinner was CHAOS which here at camp is really Mail call. During this time the campers play some fun games that usually end up with a staff member being pretty messy. The two games tonight were egg man (a camp legend) and honey face (a new one!) After dinner it was connect time, which is just some down time between dinner and chapel for the campers to hang out with eachother outside of their cabins. Then it was chapel where we had some worship and verse review, and a staff testimony which was about being yourself and being ok with that! Afterwards it was the game, which was FUGIIVE! The campers had so much fun finding crazy characters and bringing them back to the 'jail' to get points for their cabins. Then it was back to cabins for cabin devotions, which is a wrap up of the day, and then off to bed to rest for the day ahead.