Saturday, July 19, 2008


Alrighty, here's the Deal, Junior High 2 was sweet! Even though it rained today it ended on a great note. After an incredible last night, with the most amazing hallelujah EVER, the morning came with lots of energy. Flag raising and breakfast were great, and then the campers did their part to clean up camp. All of the cabins were assigned different areas of camp to clean up, and now camp looks excellent. Then they headed back to their cabins to pack up and get ready to head home. The big event of the day was chapel. It was a wrap up time for everything that had happened this week. There was some great worship time, and then the wrap up of the skits where Duct Tape Deon and Matt went through some pretty big changes since friday. we learned a final verse and the speaker wraped up the week in an awesome encouraging way for the campers. Then it was lunch time and the campers headed home after a send off blessing from the staff. Get ready to welcome your camper home and hear some awesome stories from them!