Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday Senior High 2
It was a great last day for senior high two. The campers got the chance to sleep in untill brunch which began at 10:00 am. They loved the fact that they got to get some extra rest. The rest of the morning went on as usual, cabin clean up, chapel, practices, and Personal devotions. Then at 2:00 they had a snack/lunch. The remainder of the afternoon was free time. It was a pretty relaxed day for the campers. Then a little before six the whole camp got ready for the senior high banquet, which is quite the classy affair. The campers enjoyed their meal very much. Desert ended up being served in the gym, because of severe weather, but the campers made the best of it. Once the warnings expired we headed off to the chapel for the talent show and Chapel. In chapel the speaker told about how we may think people interrupt our lives, but really God may be putting them there as an opportunity to tell them about Jesus...and we need to keep aware and be glad for those opportunities. From chapel we went to an inside bonfire, and then it was off to bed so they could be well rested to come home the next day.