8:05 Flag Raising/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin CLean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devotions
11:00 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:15 KBAR
2:00 Pack Play
3:00 Big Game
4:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:45 CHOS
7:15 Connect
8:00 Chapel
9:15 Night Game
10:15 Cabin Devos
11:00 Lights out
It was a great full day to start off with for Junior High two. After the morning activities, which included chapel and a great skit, as well as cabin time, they went onwards to lunch. For an hour after lunch they just had some Kick Backa nd Relax time, and got energized for the events of the afternoon. The first even was pack play, which is new this summer. How it works is the cabins are split up into five groups of mixed boys and girls cabins, and they become packs and they spend time together each day hanging out and having some fun doing all the great activites there are to do here at camp. The game of the afternoon was Whip N' Strip. It was a pretty awesome game which everybody got into. However, because of this, it was a tie game, but that's not what is important, the main thing is that everybody LOVED it. The rest of the afternoon was free time, and it was super fun for the campers to have the first chance of the week to go and do wahtever they wanted to. By the end of the two hour free time everybody was ready for some dinner. During Mail Call/CHAOS the campers got to play Honey Face and Egg Man...and the original egg man, the camp legend himself was there. From there they went to a time called connect, which is also new to the summer. It's just a little bit of down time when the campers get to chill for a while between dinner and the next activity. Then it was chapel, where we learned about sin and how it effects our lives, and then the final activity of the night was fugitive. It was quite the game with some fugitives that you wouldn't expect, like Indiana Jones, Henry Jones and Shorty, as well as Little Red Riding Hood and Granny, and Scooby Doo! Yup, some pretty famous people showed up for our game of fugitive. Then it was off to the cabins for devotions, a time tor eflect on the Day and learn more about God, and then off to bed to rest up for the next day.