8:05 Raise Flag/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin CLean uP
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 skill Time
12:15 Lunch
1:15 KBAR
2:00 Pack Play
3:00 Big Game
4:00 Free TIme
6:00 Dinner
6:45 CHAOS
7:15 Connect
8:00 Evening Game
9:00 Chapel
10:15 Cabin Devos
11:00 Lights Out
The morning went along as camp mornings usually do. There was a little bit of rain right before lunch so they had to move the outdoor skills times inside, but the campers still had a blast doing inside activities. Then after lunch God cleared up the sky for pack play and the big game which was SOCK O, and that went incredibly well. The rest of the afternoon was free time,a nd God continued to hold off the rain, which was great. Dinner was followed by a CPBC style Deal or no deal CHAOS. From there was connect then the sweetest evening game called Find the Fire...oh yes, it was great. Then it was chapel/U Turn Night. The campers learned about how Death + Jesus = life...and if we choose to live for him and let him be thel aeders of our lives that he will give us a life better than we could even begin to imagine.