8:05 First Word/breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skills Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:30 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:30 Cabin Time
7:30 Evening Game
8:30 Chapel
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:30 Lights Out
and it was good.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
8:05 First Word/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Cabin Time
12:00 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Beach Bash
3:00 Free time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Connect
7:00 Chapel
8:00 Evening game
9:00 Drama
9:45 Cabin Devos
10:15 Lights Out
Yay Wednesday! After the morning activities the campers got to enjoy a cook out lunch at the beach day! So fun! During KBAR they rested up and got ready for the Beach Bash where there was an ultimate show down between the boys and the girls. Through fun water activities at the beach and ball field the boys came out victorious this week, but don't worry, everybody had fun! After free time was dinner and then CHAOS, during chaos there was a few rounds of two truths and a lie, where three people tell crazy stories, and two are telling the truth, and one is stretching the truth, and the campers have to guess who is telling the lie. Afterwards was connect, which was just a time to hang out and play in the gym or volley ball or just chill before Chapel. After chapel was the evening game which was fugitive. The final event of the evening was the Drama, where the campers learned about the transforming powers of God.
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Cabin Time
12:00 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Beach Bash
3:00 Free time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Connect
7:00 Chapel
8:00 Evening game
9:00 Drama
9:45 Cabin Devos
10:15 Lights Out
Yay Wednesday! After the morning activities the campers got to enjoy a cook out lunch at the beach day! So fun! During KBAR they rested up and got ready for the Beach Bash where there was an ultimate show down between the boys and the girls. Through fun water activities at the beach and ball field the boys came out victorious this week, but don't worry, everybody had fun! After free time was dinner and then CHAOS, during chaos there was a few rounds of two truths and a lie, where three people tell crazy stories, and two are telling the truth, and one is stretching the truth, and the campers have to guess who is telling the lie. Afterwards was connect, which was just a time to hang out and play in the gym or volley ball or just chill before Chapel. After chapel was the evening game which was fugitive. The final event of the evening was the Drama, where the campers learned about the transforming powers of God.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
8:05 First Word/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skills Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:16 Cabin Time
7:30 Chapel
8:45 Night Game
9:30 Cabin Devos
10:15 Lights Out
What a great day at Covenant Pines! The campers woke up refreshed and ready to start their first full day. First word, which is a time for a quick devotional thought in the morning, was before breakfast. After breakfast each day the campers do some cabin clean up, which they earn cabin points for. Then it was morning chapel. During morning chapel there is worship time skits time and a daily verse, put to a popular song of the day. Personal devos time followed, and then it was skills time. Skills time is a time to learn a new talent/random activity. After lunch and KBAR (Kick Back and Relax) was the Big Game, which was the traditional and much loved Tuesday Whip N' Strip. Three of the four teams were victorious in winning a round! Free time was what took up the rest of the afternoon and the campers got the chance to pick whatever activity they wanted to participate in for as long as they wanted to participate in it! After dinner and CHAOS (mail Call) there was some cabin time and then Chapel where the campers learned about the ten commandments and how they apply to their lives today. The night game was CPBC Clue, and then it was time to head back to cabins for devos and lights out.
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skills Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:16 Cabin Time
7:30 Chapel
8:45 Night Game
9:30 Cabin Devos
10:15 Lights Out
What a great day at Covenant Pines! The campers woke up refreshed and ready to start their first full day. First word, which is a time for a quick devotional thought in the morning, was before breakfast. After breakfast each day the campers do some cabin clean up, which they earn cabin points for. Then it was morning chapel. During morning chapel there is worship time skits time and a daily verse, put to a popular song of the day. Personal devos time followed, and then it was skills time. Skills time is a time to learn a new talent/random activity. After lunch and KBAR (Kick Back and Relax) was the Big Game, which was the traditional and much loved Tuesday Whip N' Strip. Three of the four teams were victorious in winning a round! Free time was what took up the rest of the afternoon and the campers got the chance to pick whatever activity they wanted to participate in for as long as they wanted to participate in it! After dinner and CHAOS (mail Call) there was some cabin time and then Chapel where the campers learned about the ten commandments and how they apply to their lives today. The night game was CPBC Clue, and then it was time to head back to cabins for devos and lights out.
Friday, July 24, 2009
8:05 First Word/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skill Time
12:00 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:00 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Pack Play
7:30 Big Game
8:30 Chapel
10:00 Head to Cabins
10:45 Lights Out
It was a beautiful day at CPBC. After first word/breakfast/cabin clean up, it was time for morning chapel, where the campers continued to watch the story of the crew of the S.S. Covenant Pines unfold. After personal Devos it was skill time and all of the campers enjoyed learning their new skills. After that it was lunch and KBAR, then it was the big game...which was TUBE MAINIA! The goal: Get the tubes from the center mud puddle to your side. The campers had a blast playing in the mud and winning points for their teams! Then it was free time and Dinner. It was a Deal or No Deal CHAOS and then more pack play. During pack play tonight the campers created signs to show off at the Pack Attack tomorrow. The big game was a new one called passport, and then it was time for chapel where the campers were given the opportunity to stay back and talk with their counselors or just spend some alone time with God.
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skill Time
12:00 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:00 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Pack Play
7:30 Big Game
8:30 Chapel
10:00 Head to Cabins
10:45 Lights Out
It was a beautiful day at CPBC. After first word/breakfast/cabin clean up, it was time for morning chapel, where the campers continued to watch the story of the crew of the S.S. Covenant Pines unfold. After personal Devos it was skill time and all of the campers enjoyed learning their new skills. After that it was lunch and KBAR, then it was the big game...which was TUBE MAINIA! The goal: Get the tubes from the center mud puddle to your side. The campers had a blast playing in the mud and winning points for their teams! Then it was free time and Dinner. It was a Deal or No Deal CHAOS and then more pack play. During pack play tonight the campers created signs to show off at the Pack Attack tomorrow. The big game was a new one called passport, and then it was time for chapel where the campers were given the opportunity to stay back and talk with their counselors or just spend some alone time with God.
8:05 First word/breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skill Time
12:00 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Beach Bash
3:00 Free Time
5:00 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Pack Play
7:30 Chapel
9:00 Big Game
9:45 Drama
10:15 Cabin Devos
10:45 Lights Out
After the morning, which included a skill time, it was cook out at the beach! The campers always love eating outside. After KBAR is was the beach bash, where there was the final battle between guys and girls. The girls did indeed prevail this week, and proceeded to push the boys off of the dock in a final victory. After the beach bash it was free time, it rained a little during free time, but not enough to get anybody's spirits down. Dinner and CHAOS were followed by Pack Play where the packs came up with cheers and had some good bonding. From there was Chapel and then a Big Game, which was fugitive, and then the drama, where they learned about the transforming powers of God in our lives.
9:00 Cabin Clean up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skill Time
12:00 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Beach Bash
3:00 Free Time
5:00 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Pack Play
7:30 Chapel
9:00 Big Game
9:45 Drama
10:15 Cabin Devos
10:45 Lights Out
After the morning, which included a skill time, it was cook out at the beach! The campers always love eating outside. After KBAR is was the beach bash, where there was the final battle between guys and girls. The girls did indeed prevail this week, and proceeded to push the boys off of the dock in a final victory. After the beach bash it was free time, it rained a little during free time, but not enough to get anybody's spirits down. Dinner and CHAOS were followed by Pack Play where the packs came up with cheers and had some good bonding. From there was Chapel and then a Big Game, which was fugitive, and then the drama, where they learned about the transforming powers of God in our lives.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
8:05 First Word/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skills Time
12:00 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Pack Play
7:30 Chapel
9:00 Night Game
9:45 Cabin Devos
10:30 Lights Out
The first day of JH2 was a great one! It was a little bit rainy in the morning, but that never gets us down! Breakfast was followed by Cabin clean up. Each day there is a little bit of time set aside for cabin clean up and the cabins compete to have the cleanest cabin and win points for their cabin. Then it was time for chapel. During morning chapel there is worship, a daily bible verse, and skits. During the skits today the crew of the S.S. Covenant pines set out on the voyage into space. After chapel they had some personal devo time to spend some silence with God. Then it was skills time. However, it was raining and thundering, so there were some special rainy day options, such as Bunco and Lightening/basketball, among other things. After lunch there was a bit of KBAR (Kick Back and Relax). Then, WHIP N' STRIP! This was quite an intense game of whip n' strip because the field was wet from the rain, but that just made it all the more fun for the campers. Afterwards it was free time. The campers got to have fun doing whatever they wanted around camp for a couple of hours. When dinner was done, there was mail call, and tonight was night one of Deal or No Deal CPBC Style. Then it was pack play. During Jr. High camps the cabins are split into different colored Packs and they spend time together each day to prepare for the Pack Attack on friday. Then it was time for Chapel. After chapel was the Night game which today was Capture the Duck. An old camp tradition. Afterwards it was time to head back to the cabins for cabin devos and some good sleep.
9:00 Cabin Clean up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skills Time
12:00 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Pack Play
7:30 Chapel
9:00 Night Game
9:45 Cabin Devos
10:30 Lights Out
The first day of JH2 was a great one! It was a little bit rainy in the morning, but that never gets us down! Breakfast was followed by Cabin clean up. Each day there is a little bit of time set aside for cabin clean up and the cabins compete to have the cleanest cabin and win points for their cabin. Then it was time for chapel. During morning chapel there is worship, a daily bible verse, and skits. During the skits today the crew of the S.S. Covenant pines set out on the voyage into space. After chapel they had some personal devo time to spend some silence with God. Then it was skills time. However, it was raining and thundering, so there were some special rainy day options, such as Bunco and Lightening/basketball, among other things. After lunch there was a bit of KBAR (Kick Back and Relax). Then, WHIP N' STRIP! This was quite an intense game of whip n' strip because the field was wet from the rain, but that just made it all the more fun for the campers. Afterwards it was free time. The campers got to have fun doing whatever they wanted around camp for a couple of hours. When dinner was done, there was mail call, and tonight was night one of Deal or No Deal CPBC Style. Then it was pack play. During Jr. High camps the cabins are split into different colored Packs and they spend time together each day to prepare for the Pack Attack on friday. Then it was time for Chapel. After chapel was the Night game which today was Capture the Duck. An old camp tradition. Afterwards it was time to head back to the cabins for cabin devos and some good sleep.
Friday, July 17, 2009
8:05 First Word/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Cabin Time
12:00 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Smore Time
7:15 Skit Show
8:15 Chapel
9:15 Bonfire
10:00 Back to Cabins
10:30 Lights Out
It was a fun filled final full day of TB2! Though still sort of chilly, nothing can stop CPBC from pulling out all of the stops! The morning was the same as the others, though no less wonderful. The Big game today was CPBC Space Clue. The campers had to follow clues to different characters hidden around camp. The campers took every opportunity they could to participate in camp activities during free time. Including swimming and red sharking, despite the chilly weather. During CHAOS tonight, Egg man came to visit. He told quite the story about eggs, and then a camper proceeded to egg a staff member. From there the campers went to a new event, which is the end of the week camp fire. They were split up into different groups to go and make smores at campfires, and just hang out and talk about how great their week at camp was! The staff skit show was another special event for the evening. The campers got to kick back and watch some pretty funny skits be performed for them. Then it was the final evening chapel of the week. The speaker told them about how the holy spirit places special gifts in us, and that we are to use them to glorify God. Finally, it was bonfire time, and they had the opportunity to share about all of the wonderful things they learned about God this week. Then it was back to cabins for devos and lights out.
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Cabin Time
12:00 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Smore Time
7:15 Skit Show
8:15 Chapel
9:15 Bonfire
10:00 Back to Cabins
10:30 Lights Out
It was a fun filled final full day of TB2! Though still sort of chilly, nothing can stop CPBC from pulling out all of the stops! The morning was the same as the others, though no less wonderful. The Big game today was CPBC Space Clue. The campers had to follow clues to different characters hidden around camp. The campers took every opportunity they could to participate in camp activities during free time. Including swimming and red sharking, despite the chilly weather. During CHAOS tonight, Egg man came to visit. He told quite the story about eggs, and then a camper proceeded to egg a staff member. From there the campers went to a new event, which is the end of the week camp fire. They were split up into different groups to go and make smores at campfires, and just hang out and talk about how great their week at camp was! The staff skit show was another special event for the evening. The campers got to kick back and watch some pretty funny skits be performed for them. Then it was the final evening chapel of the week. The speaker told them about how the holy spirit places special gifts in us, and that we are to use them to glorify God. Finally, it was bonfire time, and they had the opportunity to share about all of the wonderful things they learned about God this week. Then it was back to cabins for devos and lights out.
8:05 First Word
9:00 Cabin Clean up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skill Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:00 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Cabin Time
7:30 Evening Game
8:30 Chapel
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:30 Lights Out
For first word today the campers heard the story of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and the importance of bowing and worshipping only God instead of idols. Then after breakfast was cabin clean up, followed by Chapel where there was some worship and skits. Following personal devos was Skill time. The sun came out for skill time and the campers had fun learning some new things. Lunch and KBAR were a great time to rest up and energize for the big game which was safari! The campers chased wild animals around camp trying to capture them to win points for the cabin. Then it was free time. During CHAOS tonight, one lucky camper got to play Deal or No Deal CPBC style. Though there was only one contestant, ALL of the campers had fun participating and encouraging the camper to pick the right envelope. Thursday Cabin time was followed by the Evening game which was a new one called Passport. Then it was Chapel where we talked about the promptings and the voice of the Holy Spirit and the different ways that he talks to us, and how because of that we have to be willing to respond to it. Then it was back to the cabin for devos and some sweet dreams.
9:00 Cabin Clean up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skill Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:00 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Cabin Time
7:30 Evening Game
8:30 Chapel
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:30 Lights Out
For first word today the campers heard the story of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and the importance of bowing and worshipping only God instead of idols. Then after breakfast was cabin clean up, followed by Chapel where there was some worship and skits. Following personal devos was Skill time. The sun came out for skill time and the campers had fun learning some new things. Lunch and KBAR were a great time to rest up and energize for the big game which was safari! The campers chased wild animals around camp trying to capture them to win points for the cabin. Then it was free time. During CHAOS tonight, one lucky camper got to play Deal or No Deal CPBC style. Though there was only one contestant, ALL of the campers had fun participating and encouraging the camper to pick the right envelope. Thursday Cabin time was followed by the Evening game which was a new one called Passport. Then it was Chapel where we talked about the promptings and the voice of the Holy Spirit and the different ways that he talks to us, and how because of that we have to be willing to respond to it. Then it was back to the cabin for devos and some sweet dreams.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
8:05 First Word/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Cabin Devos
11:00 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Beach Bash
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Connect
7:00 Chapel
8:15 Night Game
9:15 Drama
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:30 Lights Out
Day two of clouds, but clouds NEVER stop fun from happening at CPBC. The morning was the same as yesterday except for there was cabin time instead of skills time. The cabins had the opportunity to do some fun stuff around camp with their cabin groups, it's such a great bonding time. Lunch was at the beach today, we had a cook out! The campers loved getting to eat outside instead of the dinning hall. After KBAR (Kick Back and Relax) the beach bash commenced. The campers had fun playing games like water kick ball and grease the pig. All of the options were open for free time so the campers were nice and hungry for dinner! During CHAOS there were some crazy games, possibly including doughnuts, and then there was a little bit of down time, an outside of the cabin KBAR so to speak. Then it was Chapel, which was so great. The speaker told the campers about the holy spirit and how he is always there encouraging us when we think we can't go any further. After the night game, which was fugitive it was the drama, where they were told four stories of God's transforming power. Then it was back to cabins for devos and lights out.
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Cabin Devos
11:00 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Beach Bash
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Connect
7:00 Chapel
8:15 Night Game
9:15 Drama
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:30 Lights Out
Day two of clouds, but clouds NEVER stop fun from happening at CPBC. The morning was the same as yesterday except for there was cabin time instead of skills time. The cabins had the opportunity to do some fun stuff around camp with their cabin groups, it's such a great bonding time. Lunch was at the beach today, we had a cook out! The campers loved getting to eat outside instead of the dinning hall. After KBAR (Kick Back and Relax) the beach bash commenced. The campers had fun playing games like water kick ball and grease the pig. All of the options were open for free time so the campers were nice and hungry for dinner! During CHAOS there were some crazy games, possibly including doughnuts, and then there was a little bit of down time, an outside of the cabin KBAR so to speak. Then it was Chapel, which was so great. The speaker told the campers about the holy spirit and how he is always there encouraging us when we think we can't go any further. After the night game, which was fugitive it was the drama, where they were told four stories of God's transforming power. Then it was back to cabins for devos and lights out.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
8:05 Firs Word
8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skill Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Cabin Time
7:30 Chapel
8:45 Night Game
9:30 Cabin Devos
10:00 Lights Out
It was a very unexpected first day of TB2. I'm going to be honest, it rained most of the day, but that didn't stop us from having a great day anyways! The morning went on as usual. It started raining during skills time, but since there was no thunder, some of the skills classes got to stay outside and play in the rain, which was really fun for the campers. It stopped raining shortly after lunch and stayed nice just long enough for an afternoon game of Whip N' Strip! The campers loved it and were SO glad to get the chance to play. Shortly after the game it started to rain again. However, all of the free time activities were open still except for the water activities. After that was dinner and CHAOS. After chaos it started to down pour. So we backed up chapel and chilled in the dinning hall and watched nemo until the rain let up, just in time for chapel. Chapel was awesome, as we learned more about the Holy Spirit and his presence in our lives. After that was a quick night game, and then back to the cabins for devos and lights out.
8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skill Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:15 Cabin Time
7:30 Chapel
8:45 Night Game
9:30 Cabin Devos
10:00 Lights Out
It was a very unexpected first day of TB2. I'm going to be honest, it rained most of the day, but that didn't stop us from having a great day anyways! The morning went on as usual. It started raining during skills time, but since there was no thunder, some of the skills classes got to stay outside and play in the rain, which was really fun for the campers. It stopped raining shortly after lunch and stayed nice just long enough for an afternoon game of Whip N' Strip! The campers loved it and were SO glad to get the chance to play. Shortly after the game it started to rain again. However, all of the free time activities were open still except for the water activities. After that was dinner and CHAOS. After chaos it started to down pour. So we backed up chapel and chilled in the dinning hall and watched nemo until the rain let up, just in time for chapel. Chapel was awesome, as we learned more about the Holy Spirit and his presence in our lives. After that was a quick night game, and then back to the cabins for devos and lights out.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
8:05 First Word
8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:15 Big Game
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:30 Cabin Time
7:30 Jr. High Coffee House
8:30 Chapel
10:00 Bon Fire
10:30 Cabin Devos
11;15 Lights Out
After breakfast and cabin clean up, the campers went to chapel. During the skits today the french voyagers and the space voyagers helped each other fix their ships. After personal devos we had a morning game, which was Sock-O! Today it was pack vs. pack, which was a great way to get the campers pumped up for the pack attack. From there we went to a really tasty lunch, and then off to our cabins for a short KBAR. For the rest of KBAR we prepared for the pack attack. By finishing signs, getting decked out in pack colors using clothing and plenty of paint. Then, It was pack attack time. The competition was fierce, kids ran faster, biked harder, recited verses more quickly, and carried water with more skill than I have ever seen. The white team came first and black was second. But, the best part of the pack attack was that after teams crossed the finish line, all of the campers began cheering the other teams on as they prepared to cross the finish line. It was so encouraging to see all of the campers lift each other. After that was free time and then dinner. During CHAOS an old friend called Egg Man visited the campers. Then it was cabin time. The final cabin time of the week, which is always so fun because by then cabins have bonded. Two cabins even succeeded in participating in all of the activities of camp in the one hour of cabin time. The record has now been set. After that was a coffee house time. We had some live music and the coffee shop open and just a chill time. Then it was chapel where the speaker talked about all of the gifts that we have and the ways that we can encourage each other. From there was the end of the week bonfire and then back to cabins for devos and sleep.
8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:15 Big Game
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:30 Cabin Time
7:30 Jr. High Coffee House
8:30 Chapel
10:00 Bon Fire
10:30 Cabin Devos
11;15 Lights Out
After breakfast and cabin clean up, the campers went to chapel. During the skits today the french voyagers and the space voyagers helped each other fix their ships. After personal devos we had a morning game, which was Sock-O! Today it was pack vs. pack, which was a great way to get the campers pumped up for the pack attack. From there we went to a really tasty lunch, and then off to our cabins for a short KBAR. For the rest of KBAR we prepared for the pack attack. By finishing signs, getting decked out in pack colors using clothing and plenty of paint. Then, It was pack attack time. The competition was fierce, kids ran faster, biked harder, recited verses more quickly, and carried water with more skill than I have ever seen. The white team came first and black was second. But, the best part of the pack attack was that after teams crossed the finish line, all of the campers began cheering the other teams on as they prepared to cross the finish line. It was so encouraging to see all of the campers lift each other. After that was free time and then dinner. During CHAOS an old friend called Egg Man visited the campers. Then it was cabin time. The final cabin time of the week, which is always so fun because by then cabins have bonded. Two cabins even succeeded in participating in all of the activities of camp in the one hour of cabin time. The record has now been set. After that was a coffee house time. We had some live music and the coffee shop open and just a chill time. Then it was chapel where the speaker talked about all of the gifts that we have and the ways that we can encourage each other. From there was the end of the week bonfire and then back to cabins for devos and sleep.
Friday, July 10, 2009
8:05 First Word
8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:15 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:40 Pack Play
7:30 Evening Game
8:45 Chapel
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:45 Lights Out
First word, breakfast and cabin clean up led into chapel. During chapel there was some worship time, and then skits. During skits today the space voyagers time traveled back to the dawn of exploration on the canadian frontier. They ran into a little trouble understanding the french voyagers, but luckily, they were able to use the translator to understand each other. Then there was some personal devo time and cabin time. After lunch and KBAR the big game was Guerilla Warfare. The purpose of guerilla warfare is for the campers to find the general who is hiding somewhere in the woods...while not getting their sock pulled by the guerillas (staff). Free time was the rest of the afternoon and then it was dinner. During CHAOS the campers got to go play in the gym. There was one last pack play to prepare for the pack attack so packs made signs and worked on cheers. The evening game was fugitive, after which was Chapel. Tonight the campers had the opportunity to give their lives to Christ, as they were told the story of the sacrifice of the Cross. From there we headed back to cabins for devos and then went to bed.
8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:15 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:40 Pack Play
7:30 Evening Game
8:45 Chapel
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:45 Lights Out
First word, breakfast and cabin clean up led into chapel. During chapel there was some worship time, and then skits. During skits today the space voyagers time traveled back to the dawn of exploration on the canadian frontier. They ran into a little trouble understanding the french voyagers, but luckily, they were able to use the translator to understand each other. Then there was some personal devo time and cabin time. After lunch and KBAR the big game was Guerilla Warfare. The purpose of guerilla warfare is for the campers to find the general who is hiding somewhere in the woods...while not getting their sock pulled by the guerillas (staff). Free time was the rest of the afternoon and then it was dinner. During CHAOS the campers got to go play in the gym. There was one last pack play to prepare for the pack attack so packs made signs and worked on cheers. The evening game was fugitive, after which was Chapel. Tonight the campers had the opportunity to give their lives to Christ, as they were told the story of the sacrifice of the Cross. From there we headed back to cabins for devos and then went to bed.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
8:05 First Word
8;15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:0 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:15 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Beach Bash
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:30 Pack play
7:30 Chapel
9:00 Night Game
9:45 Drama
10:30 Cabin Devos
11:15 Lights Out
Today was an even more beautiful day than yesterday! After the usual morning schedule, the campers got ready for a cook out lunch at the beach. Once they were fed and rested it was time for the beach bash, where it was an ultimate show down between boys and girls. The girls ended up dominating the boys, but there was still a lot of fun and fair play. Free time and then dinner were followed by Chaos. During pack play the campers got to pick what activity they wanted to participate in for the pack attack which will happen on friday and from there we went to chapel. Afterwards there was a night game and then the drama. During the drama the campers heard four different stories of transformation and how God Changes lives every day.
8;15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:0 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:15 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Beach Bash
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 CHAOS
6:30 Pack play
7:30 Chapel
9:00 Night Game
9:45 Drama
10:30 Cabin Devos
11:15 Lights Out
Today was an even more beautiful day than yesterday! After the usual morning schedule, the campers got ready for a cook out lunch at the beach. Once they were fed and rested it was time for the beach bash, where it was an ultimate show down between boys and girls. The girls ended up dominating the boys, but there was still a lot of fun and fair play. Free time and then dinner were followed by Chaos. During pack play the campers got to pick what activity they wanted to participate in for the pack attack which will happen on friday and from there we went to chapel. Afterwards there was a night game and then the drama. During the drama the campers heard four different stories of transformation and how God Changes lives every day.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Junior High 1
8:05 First Word
8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:15 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 Chaos
6:30 Pack Play
7:30 Chapel
9:00 Night Game
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:45 Lights Out
It was a beautiful first full day of Junior High 1. The sun was shinning and the campers were bright with excitement for the day! Before breakfast was First Word where one of the staff members shares a small devotional thought for the morning. Then off to breakfast, where we had some tasty cinnamon rolls! After breakfast was cabin clean up. Each day the campers clean up their cabins and throw in a little creativity and they win points if their cabin is the cleanest and most creative. From there was Chapel where there was some worship time and skits time. After personal devos was cabin time and then lunch. KBAR (Kick Back and Relax) followed lunch so that the campers could get some energy for the afternoon activities. The big game of the day was Whip n' Strip, and though all of the teams put up a good fight, the blue team ended up victorious! There was free time for the rest of the afternoon, and since it was such a beautiful day all of the activities were open for the campers to partake in. After playing hard all afternoon it was finally time for a tasty dinner, which was followed by CHAOS! (or mail call) During chaos we heard a great story and played some messy, but quite entertaining games...some involving frosting and ice cream. Pack play was the next event of the evening. During junior high the cabins are split into co-ed groups to form packs and through the week they will meet as packs to prepare for the pack attack which will take place on friday. Following pack play was chapel where the speaker told us about equipping ourselves for the journey and then the final event of the evening was the night game which was Light the Fire. After which the campers headed back to their cabins, had some end of the day devos, and snuggled deep into their beds for a wonderful night's sleep.
8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:15 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
5:15 Dinner
5:45 Chaos
6:30 Pack Play
7:30 Chapel
9:00 Night Game
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:45 Lights Out
It was a beautiful first full day of Junior High 1. The sun was shinning and the campers were bright with excitement for the day! Before breakfast was First Word where one of the staff members shares a small devotional thought for the morning. Then off to breakfast, where we had some tasty cinnamon rolls! After breakfast was cabin clean up. Each day the campers clean up their cabins and throw in a little creativity and they win points if their cabin is the cleanest and most creative. From there was Chapel where there was some worship time and skits time. After personal devos was cabin time and then lunch. KBAR (Kick Back and Relax) followed lunch so that the campers could get some energy for the afternoon activities. The big game of the day was Whip n' Strip, and though all of the teams put up a good fight, the blue team ended up victorious! There was free time for the rest of the afternoon, and since it was such a beautiful day all of the activities were open for the campers to partake in. After playing hard all afternoon it was finally time for a tasty dinner, which was followed by CHAOS! (or mail call) During chaos we heard a great story and played some messy, but quite entertaining games...some involving frosting and ice cream. Pack play was the next event of the evening. During junior high the cabins are split into co-ed groups to form packs and through the week they will meet as packs to prepare for the pack attack which will take place on friday. Following pack play was chapel where the speaker told us about equipping ourselves for the journey and then the final event of the evening was the night game which was Light the Fire. After which the campers headed back to their cabins, had some end of the day devos, and snuggled deep into their beds for a wonderful night's sleep.
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