Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tuesday Junior High 2: Wind

What a rare day the campers of junior high 2 got to experience. The morning started off nice, a little chilly and a little windy but everybody's spirits were high and excited for the day that lay ahead. Breakfast was served, french toast and sausage. After breakfast the wind picked up. Once the cabins were clean the campers headed up to chapel where they learned the verse for the day, watched the pirates in the skit get caught in a huge storm, and listened to the resident missionaries talk about the congo, where they serve. Right after chapel the power went out, supposedly by a tree that fell due to the strong winds. Not that big of a deal though because no power doesn't effect skill time, so things went on as normal. However, the power wasn't on by lunch, but somehow the cooks were still able to make chicken sandwitches for us to enjoy. All through k-bar, the intense afternoon game of whip n' strip, and a fun free time the winds kept on coming and the power kept on being non existent. Dinner was mashed potatoes and gravy, and for mail call the cabins competed against eachother in ultimate pictionary. Cabin time followed mail call and all of the activities around camp were busy with cabins coming together and enjoying themselves. Sometime during cabin time the power came back on so we were able to enjoy a full chapel night, with great songs, an energetic review of the verses we learned, a staff testimony, and the speaker. The last activity of the day was sneekers, a night game much loved by the campers. Then it was cabin devotions and off to bed.