Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Tuesday Trailblazers 3: Fugitive

Excitement was in the air as the first full day of Trailblazers 3 began. The campers headed out to the flag pole for some flag raising, the pledge of alligance and Cast Off, which is a morning devotional thought for the campers to ponder on through the day. They then headed to the dinning hall, Oak Ridge, for let in and their morning nutrition. From there they went to their cabins to do cabin clean up. Some of the cabins got really into it and cleaned their cabins to perfection and had a good amount of creativity as well. Once the cabins were cleaned the campers headed up to chapel where they got to enjoy some awesome worship and a skit, where they continued on the journey with Captain Wood in Eye, Leg Up, and More n' More. Personal devotions led into skills time, which the campers had a blast participating in. Lunch was next and the kids were ready for it. So they ate up some tasty food and then headed back to k-bar (Kick Back And Relax) in their cabins so they could rest up for the afternoon. Once k-bar was over and all the kids had put on their running shoes and grabbed a sock, they headed to the ball field for an awesome game of whip n' strip! It was so great and the campers got so into it as they pulled people's socks, and got the cones to their corner of the field. The rest of the afternoon was free time. All of the campers were excited about participating in all of the activities around camp, including, but not limited to, the climbing tower, the craft hall, and swimming at the beach. Dinner of hot dogs, and mac and cheese replensihed their energy supply for the rest of the evening. Cabin time was after mail call and the campers had a blast hanging out with their cabins again, and then chapel followed. With lots of songs, including some oldies, the kids had a blast singing. Then the staff member gave his testimony and spoke of how we should act the same at school, at home, and at church, and wherever else we are. Then the speaker told us about how sin is missing the mark, and that we all do sometimes sin, but God always forgives us of our sins. After chapel was fugivite, where characters such as lifeguards, mr. tumnus and the white witch, and ursula from the Little Mermaid showed up and were caught by campers. When the game ended the campers headed back to their cabins for devotions and lights out.