Friday, June 17, 2011

2011 Open Session Thursday, Friday

It has continued to be a cool week here at camp but that hasn't dampened the fun or God's spirit. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what the weather is like, God is still going to do great and amazing things. This week has been no different. Wednesday night was U Turn night and you could see God at work in the kids staying after chapel to talk and pray with their counselors. It is always an exciting sight to see people of any age committing, or re-committing, their lives to Christ.

There was also plenty of fun to be had. Wednesday afternoon was our beach bash and campers enjoyed a cookout and then a variety of water activities. Free time brought with it the usual attractions such as the tower and the canteen. But the new draw seems to be our Ga Ga Ball court. Don't know what it is? You'll have to come to camp and find out!

Tonight Jr. Highers have Pines Fest! They will get to go over to Silver Beach and enjoy games, food, camp fires and music.

Thanks for reading and we hope to see you here this Summer at Covenant Pines!