Thursday, July 28, 2011

2011 Jr High 2

The Pack Attack is fast approaching!!! For those of you who don't know, one of the highlights at Jr High camp at Covenant Pines is the Pack Attack. It is a giant relay race that covers the entire territory of Covenant Pines. The best part is that it is fun. The saying is, if the pack attack stops being fun we stop having the pack attack. The race includes all sorts of fun challenges like canoeing, biking, trivia, speed beading, slushy drinking, archery and more. There is something for everyone. What is probably more fun is that the campers find out their pack early in the week and spend time prepping for the big event with costumes and cheers. The dining hall is often filled with various chants from the different teams. Stay tuned for the results! And thanks for the continued prayers and support!