Saturday, June 30, 2007
Saturday Kids Kamp 1: Black Light Puppets
What a day! The campers got up bright and early, so excited for the day to come! Breakfast was delicious and gave the campers even more energy. After breakfast was cabin clean up, and then they traveled up to chapel. During chapel the kids saw the next part of the pirate puppet show. Right after chapel was what is called 'the big switch' where half of the campers were at the ball field and half were at the beach and then they switched. At the ballfield they participated in a game, and at the beach they just had some fun free swim time. The water slide was very popular, there was a line of kids waiting patiently to go down it. Lunch fed their empty bellies and then k-bar prepared them for an exciting afternoon. The first thing we did was played 'Ocean's Deep' in the ballfield. A little bit wet from the game the campers headed to the beach for the beach bash. There they played tug of war in the water, and attempted to fill hole filled buckets with water, and buried their counselor in the sand, which was their favorite! An hour of freetime followed this beach bash and the campers spread out around camp with their cabins and had some fun enjoying the many activities that camp has to offer. Dinner was next followed by cabin time. Each of the cabins signed up for a fun activity and participated in it untill chapel. During chapel the campers sung some fun songs such as Awesome God, and then continued on with the puppet show, learning about how we can be new creations in Christ Jesus. The end of the camp bonfire was a fun time as the campers shared what they had learned this weekend, and as we sung a few songs together. The final event of the evening was the black light puppet show that took place in Lakeside Chapel. It was so much fun as the puppetters performed some awesome scenes to popular songs such as 'Big House', 'Every Move I Make', and 'Praise You in This Storm.' The campers then headed to their cabins for a good night's sleep.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Friday Kids Kamp 1: Fugitive
The counselors, excited to meet their campers, called off their cabins and headed to a delicious corn dog lunch. Everybody was hungry after getting off the bus. Once all of the eating was done the campers headed off with their counselors to get settled into the cabin. The siren was pulled and all of the kids ran up to fireside to listen to Josh give some very important rules. The campers were all very good listeners. Then, after an all camp picture the boys and girls split up for first day rotation. The girls went to the gym to play unity games and the boys went to the hay ride, the nurses' check, or the swimming beach. Since Kids Kampers don't take the swim test they just got to play in the water at the beach, which they all very much enjoyed! After they switched and the boys played games and the girls got to do the rotation it was dinner time. After dinner came a very fun cabin time where the campers had a blast participating in the activity that was chosen for them by their counselor. Then came chapel. The classic kid songs were sung and enjoyed by all, and then there were puppets that allowed the campers to be entertained while having open and attentive ears to hear about God's love and his timeless treasure. Fugitive was the last activity of the evening. Characters such as egg man, sharpay and gabrellia (from High School Musical), a bonzai tree, and a four square team showed up to give the campers an adventurous time.
Friday Junior High 1: Testimony
The last day of Junior High one ended with as much energy as it began with. The kids were full of joy and enthusiam during the main event of the morning which was chapel. The singing was a blast, full of movement and dancing as an act of worship. The camp ended up raising over 1200 dollars which led to one of our maintenance men shaving his head. Then we saw the closing of the skits and our friendly pirates' triumph over nemesis. And Finally, the speaker gave his final talk. He told us his testimony as a way of encouraging kids to share their testimony and what they have learned here with everybody back home as a way of giving witness to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Once chapel was over three staff members got thrown in the lake. The campers all got checked out of their cabins, brought their luggage up to fireside and headed off to lunch. During lunch they got to watch a preview of the amazing weekly video. They played some never ending dodgeball in the gym untill the busses arrived, then they climbed on and said goodbye as they drove away.
Thursday Junior High 1: Horizons
What an incredible day! It was nice and cool in the morning, so everybody was able to wear that comfortable hoodie they brought to camp or bought from the store, and we were fed well with pancakes and strawberries. The campers cleaned their cabins for the last time then went to the morning chapel. In skits today the treasure was found and the pirates were given a choice between the King's treasure or the treasure of the nemesis is only gold and things that will waste away. We will know which one they chose tomorrow. Personal devotional time led into the last Skill time of the day. It had warmed up a little bit by that time so it was nice weather for all of the outside skill times. Then there was lunch and k-bar. The big game of the day was sock-O. ALl the kids loved it as they were challanged to remove their adversary's sock. Straight after that was free time! Absolutely everywhere was busy because of how very passionate Junior Highers are about getting everything in. It was so much fun to see and feel the excitement all through camp. A tasty dinner got us energized for the camper skit show. Finally, all the work that the campers put into preparing their skits paid off. It was a wonderful show full of many different skits each with their own unique sense of humor. From there was chapel, where we sung the most popular chapel songs and really enjoyed praising God...never forgetting his faithfulness in our lives. From chapel we headed down the path to the last night bon fire. As we walked everybody was able to enjoy the spectacular horizon and glass reflection in the lake. It was awesome as the orange horizon soaked into the darkening blue sky and the peaceful water reflected the single star shining. Many people paused to thank God for that breath taking moment. At the bonfire the campers shared their week with the rest of us. Incredible is the only way I can think of how to describe it. These campers got it, they are on fire, and they are excited to share what God has done in them this week! They are set on the right path, and are anxious to follow the way that God has set infront of them.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Wednesday Junior High 1: Constant
It was quite windy here at CPBC today. The morning started off cool, which was much welcomed after the sticky heat of yesterday. The flag was raised, the pledge was said, and the kids were fed. Some very creative cabin clean up led into outside chapel at the ampitheatre. The campers enjoyed a change of scenery as well as nemesis getting pushed into the water during the skit. Once personal devotions were done the campers participated in their skill time classes. A lot of energy was used up so they were all ready and excited for a tasty pizza lunch. After K-Bar the kids met by the ball field, as they were getting told instructions to the game the staff ran out of hiding covered in mud and into the woods for the camper favorite game of Guerilla Warfare. It was intense as kids ran through the woods trying not to get caught by the guerillas as they searched for the General. When the game ended and all the mud had been washed off free time began. A healthy, filling dinner allowed for some creative skit prep time and an energetic chapel. The speaker reminded the campers not to let camp be simpliy a mountain top experience but to let it last as they get back home and then into the school year. Pirate Patrol was the game tonight. The campers had to navigate their way through a obstacle covered ball field to get the highly prised treasure. Once that had ended they headed to the dinning hall for the drama. They sat and absorbed all of the ways that God is like water, the final attribute being God, like water, is Constant, reminding us that God never ends, he was there, he is here and he will always be here. How amazing is that, truly, to know that God is always with us.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tuesday Junior High 1: Stratego
Well, the day started off early for some with a polar bear swim. Then the whole camp came together bright eyed and excited for the day. With an eventful flag raising and a rather random let in the campers were nourished and ready to go for the awesome activities they would participate in. The morning consisted of cabin clean up, chapel, and personal devotions. Then the cabins had skit prep time so that they could begin to bring together ideas for the skits that they will perform for the rest of the camp at the end of the week. Then lunch at the beach...because it was indeed beach bash day! Let in was quite eventful as pirates were trained, hula hoops were spun, limbo was performed, and a storm blew in during a story told by the captain. After K-Bar was the actual beach bash. It was so much fun and though it was a wee bit windy, the campers still got very much so into it! Free time was full of fun as always, it rained for about the first twenty minutes, but that didn't get anybody's spirit down! The campers still had a blast! Dinner was followed by cabin time, followed by the newest camp game called Stratego. Yes, it was based on the board game that we know and love. The campers loved it and played hard. After that we headed up to chapel with paint still on most of our faces and heard from a staff member how very worth it we really are and how beautiful we are in the eyes of God. The speaker went further with that saying how truly precious we are because we are his children, and because of that we are free to be in his presence. We learned the Salvation of God and the promise and new life that comes from that, and campers were changed, for some, their new life began tonight. Praise God.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Monday Junior High 1: Accountability
With breakfast and cabin clean up done for the day the campers headed off to chapel where they participated in high intensity singing, a bible verse put to a memorable tune, and danger on the high seas with our pirate buddies. The remainder of the morning consisted of personal devotions and the rest of the orientation rotation. The girls took to the low ropes course and the boys invaded the beach and the hay ride. After a tasty lunch, some k-bar, and a camp picture we played one awesome game of whip n' strip. Blue, Green, Red and Orange faced off in a very well played game that ended in a draw. Then free time with every area bustling with campers! Dinner and a visit from egg man led into the first cabin time of the week. The cabins enjoyed bonding over the different activities around camp. Chapel came next with some great songs and a testimony from a staff member that fit right into the theme of the day...the reality of sin. The speaker told us about how, with all of the struggles that we deal with, somebody else is inevitably dealing with the same struggles. WIth that he spoke to the importance of accountability so that we are held to a higher standard and we have somebody to help us if we begin to fall back into the old temptations. Then a very creative game of fugitive where Richard Simmons, The artist formerly known as prince and a sack of potatoes showed up. That ended the day on a good note and the campers headed back to their cabins for devotions and to crawl into bed for a good night's sleep.
Sunday Junior High 1: The duck is found.
Seeing as the campers didn't get to camp untill about five o'clock, it wasn't quite the typical first day. After getting off the bus and separated into cabin groups we went straight to a yummy tater-tot hot dish dinner. The campers then went to get settled into their cabins and at 6:45 we reconvined on fireside lawn for a quick run down of what the week looks like in terms of safety. Then we split off for the first half of the orientation rotation. The boys headed off to the low ropes course and the girls went to the rotation part, the tour of the camp, the nurse's check and the beach for their swim test. Then was chapel where we began our journey with Wood-in-eye, Leg up and More and More, heard from a staff member and listened to the speaker. Chapel ended with the announcement of the game capture the duck and the campers got So excited. It was a high intesnity game and for the first time this summer, somebody finally found that duck.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Saturday Senior High 1: Goodbye Campers
The final half day is always short and sweet. Breakfast, camp clean up and chapel. The skits conluded and the final verse was sung learned, and the speaker gave one last message. He encouraged the campers again to find somebody who will stand by them in their faith, and to get involved in a youth group so that what they learned here and the ways that they grew would not be forgotten when they arrived back home. After lunch the staff wished the campers farewell with a blessing, the busses loaded and this powerful week ended as the busses pulled out of camp and headed home.
Friday Senior High 1: A day of specialties
THe last full day was stuffed full of senior high exclusives. Instead of breakfast was a delicious brunch at 10. Of course the extra sleep was appreciated by all. The rest of the morning went as usual except for backed up a few hours. After a two o'clock snack there was free time all afternoon. Every area was busy with the campers trying to get one last experience in for the week. The camp closed down a little bit early so that everybody could have time to prepare for the banquet. At five thrity this elegant affair began as each of the campers was escorted into the dinning hall and served only the best foods. The talent show followed the banquet and the senior highers showed off numerous talents, from singing, to poetry reciting to stand up comedy. Then came the final chapel where the campers were reminded that they are worth it, and that their old sinful self was crucified on the cross and it is no more, and that now they are God's. Then the bonfire where we were all reminded of the different ways that God shows his presence in this community of believers. Then devos and lights out...but wait, that's not all! The campers were surprised with 'Nerd Night' A late night party in the gym full of 'nerdy' activities such as classic video games, jeporday, and board games. It was such a blast for the campers to enjoy camp and eachother's uplifing company in this way before they head home.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Thursday Senior High 1: Vespers
Getting to sleep in a little bit and having breakfast in bed was the start to this day! After the typical morning scedule, lunch and k-bar the big game was Socko. The object of the game: To remove other people's socks from their foot. It was quite a game as the senior highers worked together to remove the socks as fast as they could. Then free time. As it was a beautiful day at camp all of the activities were busy with the joy of the campers being excited about everything there is to do at camp...although by now, a good number of them do have their favorite activity that they like to participate in at camp. A Lasanga dinner led into the final skill time, and afterwards was the powder puff football game. A senior high specialty, the girls gear up to play football staff versus campers as the boys cheer us on. Straight from there we headed off to chapel where the topics of confirmation in God's leading and our identity in Christ were spoken about. One last free time that led into the Drama, which explored the attributes of God that are so essential for senior highers to know as they live their every day life. Then we closed the day with another senior high exclusive, a vespers service, so that we could remember that the day belonged to God, that it ends with God, and that tomorrow is God's.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday Senior High 1: Passion
Starting off as a typical camp day always does; with a filling breakfast of pancakes, cabin clean up time, and chapel, the day was sure to be a day undeniably full of the movement of the Holy Spirit, as all days here are. The rest of the morning consisted of virtues class, personal devotions and Cabin time. After a cook out on fireside lawn for lunch the rest of the afternoon was free time for the campers. A filling fajita dinner led to a fun mail call where they, with great enthusiasm, played guess that tv show theme song. Then we had a coffee house K-BAR time where the popular coffee shop was open and two of our staff members performed some music that they have written. Then was the big event of the evening, chapel. After going through the daily verses the worship was led with only guitar and vocals. The speaker then came up and shared the essence of the christian faith in a powerful way. He reminded us of our sin, our struggle with missing the mark, but this time it ended with hope. After watching a clip of the Passion, the senior highers were reminded or told for the first time, that all of it was for them. Everything that Jesus suffered through was for their salvaton, not because he thought it would be fun, or because he couldn't save himself (because he very well could have); he stayed on the cross because death needed to be defeated so that we could live with him forever. The speaker went deep and the senior highers understood, and they felt it, and through the prompting of the Holy Spirit inside these campers, lives where changed.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Tuesday Senior High 1: Whip n' Strip day
The first full day of senoir high, much like the wind, proved to be a high intensity day! In the morning was the chapel, cabin clean up and personal devotion time. However, also in the mix of the morning was virtues where the campers were taught more in depth about the virtues of the christian lifestyle. After a skill time where all water activities were off because of the wind, was lunch. Shortly after that was the big game of the afternoon. The much loved whip n' strip! Once everybody was tired out from that was free time, and then dinner. Afiter dinner the band 'Camera Can't Lie' performed a set for us as we just hung out, played buck buck, four square and enjoyed novelties from the coffee shop. During chapel the speak told the campers about the idea of sin that is so often glossed over in our society. He mentioned how sin literally means to 'miss the mark,' which in turn means that sin is not something to take lightly. Fugitive came after chapel, in the darkness of the night it was a little bit more difficult for the senior highers to find the fugitives, but they were successful! Devotions led to tired campers being in bed by midnight, only to be woken up shortly after that for another game of 'Whip n' Strip' in a ballfield lit up by headlights. It was staff vs. campers for this unexpected game of whip n' strip. We played with a record six cones, which led to a memorable night.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday Senior High 1: Gotta get that Duck
After a rainy bus ride up and introductions in the gym, the campers began their first day rotation. Everything ran smoothly as they took their swim test, got a tour of the camp, and challanged eachother and bonded as cabins on the Low Ropes Course. After dinner was cabin time and then time to just hang out. The coffee shop was open and many people took part in 4 square, which is a senior high camp favorite, and volley ball. Chapel was high intensity as the campers were praising God, listening to a staff member give his testimony, and as the speaker challanged them to be open to anything this week, to let down their guard and be ready for God to work radically in their lives at any moment during the next 5 days. After chapel was the game, Capture the Duck. Since they are senior highers the game was very fast paced, and yet, it still ended up that nobody found the duck.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Trailblazers 1 Friday: Tell the World
The final day of Trailblazers one has now come and gone. The big event of the day was morning chapel, where we sang high energy songs including the very approprate 'Hop on the Bus.' The story of wood-in-eye and his crew was resolved and the campers learned their final verse. The offering song was 'Tell the World' which talks about how we are supposed to share the Salvation of Christ with others, so the campers were encouraged to go home and share the fun that they have had spending time with God at camp with all of their friends. Once the speaker had given her final words the campers headed down to the lake to watch wood-in-eye get blobed and three staff members walk the plank into the lake. After lunch the campers played a game of elfs wizards and giants in the ballfield to get their last bit of energy out, then they climbed onto the busses and fell asleep for the ride home, exhausted from a high energy week at camp.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Trailblazers 1 Day 5: The treasure is found.
What a great day this turned out to be! The morning was beauitful...and after chapel where our friendly pirate skit characters found the treasure the campers went off to sharpen their know-how in their skills classes. Pouring their energy into that they were hungry for a tasty lunch. Once the food had settled we got together for a rather muddy game of Tube Mania. Unfortuntaely some poor weather came in during free time which made it so the beach had to close, but being the trailblazers that they are imagination and creativity took over; the craft hall was flooded with kids and fireside was busy with kids playing games and enjoying the fun that they have together. After dinner and a game in the gym, we all headed to Oak Ridge for a staff improv show. In typical "whose line is it anyways" style the staff entertained the campers with games such as props and house party where Cinderella, Napolean Dynamite and Super Man paid a visit. Then was chapel where we rocked it out on the last night with the favorite songs and then learned about the ten commandments during the speaker's talk. They learned each of the ten commandments and what they meant and how it was they they could obey them at their age. The last night bonfire came afterwards, and, since it was raining, we had our closing fire in Lakeside chapel. There the campers were given time to share about what they have learned this week. Some talked about facing their fears and finding courage in facing challanges such as the zip line, climbing tower, blob, and diving raft, others spoke of how they felt God moving this week in the promping to begin reading the bible more, and some spoke of their first time commitment or recommitment to Jesus. Once we heard the angels celebrating the campers headed off to their cabins for their final night of cabin devotions and headed off to bed so they were rested for the final day.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Trailblazers 1: Thursday...The Hairy Fairy pays a visit
Kicking off the morning with a change of scenery and having chapel in the ampitheatre by the lake the kids, joined by young wood-in-eye were paid a visit by the hairy fairy. This odd creature helped wood-in-eye realize that he was caring too much about what was wrong with other people instead of thinking about the ways that he could better himself. Cabin time was spent all around the camp, from the boat beach up to the climbing tower. All of camp was buzzing with the excitement, courage and energy that comes from the trailblazers as they enjoy each other's company. The afternoon consisted of Pirate Safari, where the campers chased down numerous animals, got clues from lost boys, and were chased by Pirates! During evening chapel the speaker read alouod 'The Ugly Duckling' and through it remined all of the campers that though they may not feel like they fit in all the time (be it in their schools, their sports practices, their group of friends, etc) the only opinion that matters is God's and he is where they should look for acceptance. After a fun game in the ball field the campers headed to Oak Ridge to watch the drama which told them about how God is like water. For instance, they were shown how water is essential. They learned that over half of their body is made of water, and if they were to not drink water, they would not be healthy the way they are, just like with God, they need to fill themselves with God and his word, so that it can be a firm foundation for them as they grow up and face the challanges that growing up has to offer.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Trailblazers 1: Beach Bash Day
Welcome to CPBC Trailblazers 1!!! We're so excited the campers are finally here. Today was Beach Bash day! After a fun morning of chapel, (where the skit characters Leg up, Wood-in-eye and More N' More took to the high seas and the campers learned the verse Romans 8.1-2), skills classes, and personal devotions, we took to the waterfront for a good old fashioned hamburger lunch. Let in, which was performed by the life guards dressed up as pirates, prepared the campers to be their crew during the afternoon. After K-BAR (Kick Back And Relax) the camp took to the high seas, rescuing the captive life guard through events such as tug o' war, paddle boat races, and sponge dodge ball. They successfully saved the captive and brought them back to safety. The Evening game was Covenant Pines Clue, followed by Chapel when the kids were told about the Salvation that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ their Lord.
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