Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday Trailblazers 3: Water
WOO HOO first day of Trailblazers 3! After an eventful busride up, when one of the busses broke down, the campers were so excited to get to camp! After staff introductions the campers got split up into their cabin groups and headed off to a sloppy joe lunch. Once all the campers had gotten their meal they were taught how to put their dishes away properly, and they were also reminded to drink water at every meal, since it's going to be a hot week and we want the campers to stay hydrated. When their appitites had been satisfied the campers went to get their luggage and then to settle into their cabins! The siren was pulled at 2:00 and the whole camp ran up to fireside lawn. With the picture taken and the campers having been told the rules, the orientation rotation/low ropes afternoon activities began. The girls went to the low ropes course first to work on some cabin bonding, and the boys participated in the swim test/hay ride/nurses check. After all the boys had finished that they switched and the boys headed to the low ropes course and the girls to the other activities. Dinner of mashed potatoes followed, and as the after dinner entertanment for mail call the campers enjoyed a visit from Egg Man. Cabin time was right after dinner and so the cabin groups split up and went to different activities around camp to get even more acquainted with the people that would be their family for the rest of the week. Chapel was next and it consisted of a lot of fun very high energy jumping songs, the staff song, sung to 'A Whole New World', the skits, a staff testimony where the staff member spoke of different kinds of worship, offering, and then the speaker who told us about listening to God and challanged us to think about who we are listening to. To close out the evening we played Capture the Duck boys vs. girls style. It was a draw game, but all of the campers had a blast none the less, so they went to their cabins for some cabin devos, got ready for bed, and then went to bed, excited about the day they just had and excited about all of the fun stuff they'll get to do tomorrow.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday Junior High 3: Guerilla Warfare
The day started out with a breakfast of extremely tasty waffles. The campers then cleaned up their cabins, and did a spectacular job doing so in hopes that they would get the full amount of cabin clean up points on the last day. Chapel was next and they kids had a blast and watched in curiosity as the skit characters discovered the treasure of the Isla de Vida and had to choose between the treasure of the king or the treasure of the nemesis. They then spent some time in personal devotions and the final activity for the moning was cabin time. The campers had a blast hanging out with their cabins sharing stories and lauging about shared experiences they had through the week. Lunch followed by k-bar led into the afternoon game. Guerilla Warfare. While the campers were recieving instructions the staff, covered in mud, took them by surprise and ran into the woods, the campers followed them on the mission to find the general to recieve his signature and points for their cabin. Free time filled the rest of the afternoon as the campers took every opportuinty they had to participate in all the awesome activites that camp has to offer them. A dinner of fajitas was followed by the camper skit show. Hosted by a couple of 'extreme nerds' and some hippos the campers showed us their skits that they have prepared during the week. Chapel was after, and it was in incredible night. The Glory and Presence of God was so evident on the faces and in the hearts of so many of the campers as they worshiped, heard a staff testimony, went over all of the verses they have learned through the week, and as the speaker taught us about the nudgins of the holy spirit and how they can become blessings in our lives if we respond to them. Chapel ran a little late, but the end of the week bonfire happened none the less and the campers had the opportuinty to speak up and share the ways that God had shown themselves to them this week. After listening to the angel echo the campers headed back to their cabins for devotions and then a good night's sleep.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday Junior High 3: Refrigerator
The day started out beautiful as most days do here at camp. The campers said the pledge while the flag was being raised and then went to breakfast and enjoyed breakfast sandwitches. Once the cabins were clean the camp headed to ampichapel (Chapel outside in the ampitheatre). They had a blast singing songs like Be Bold, Lord I Lift Your Name on High, and Every Move. During the skits captain Wood in' Eye had a dream sequence where the Hairy Fairy came to visit and Nemsis, coming up out of the water, chased Wood in' Eye away. Personal devotions and then skill time filled the rest of the morning. Lunch of hotdogs and tuna salad was served, and then the kids went to have some k-bar time in their cabins. Halfway through k-bar it started raining. The game was moved to the gym, and we played some pin guard, and then, since it continued raining we had alternative free time options, since anything to do with water as well as the tower couldn't open. So, instead, we had the tower inside fireside, and options like charades, pictionary, and spoons available for the kids. Despite the fact that some of the normal free time options were closed, the kids still had a blast during free time. Dinner was lasanga, and during dinner the rain finally stopped. The mail call game for the night was Zooma, which the campers enjoyed because they got to test their knoweldge of camp activites. Skit prep time was after dinner and then chapel followed. Chapel was a blast tonight with fun songs, going through all of the verses that we've learned, and a wonderful staff testimony. After the offering song, which was One Tin Soldier (To the delight of many) the speaker came up. Since the theme for the day is removing the patch, he spoke the the campers about identity. He reminded them that we are Gods, we are his finest artwork, and he loves us so much. He then spoke of how when we were younger our parents would put all of our artwork on the refrigerator, because that is where all of the best artwork goes. So the campers made a refrigerator. Each one had a piece of paper that they could draw or write somehting on to symbolize their identity in christ, and then they put it up on the 'refrigerator' that was made. And what a sight it was, as each camper found worth in who they were and the fact that we are God's prized possession. Pirate patrol was the evening game followed by the drama. Which furthered their understanding of their identity in Christ through learning about God and his attributes (such as love) that contribute to who he made us to be.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday Junior High 3: Love
Awake and refreshed from the good night's sleep the campers headed to the flag pole for the pledge of alligance and flag raising. Breakfast burriots was served, and then the campers headed off to clean up their slighlty disorganized cabins. From there they headed to morning chapel to catch up with the skit caracters, and then spent some time alone with God in personal devotions. Cabin time was the final activity of the morning. The campers had a blast participating in different activities around camp with their cabins. Lunch was served at the beach with the life guard pirates running let in. This week there was a Captain, a deck hand, a crocidle, and a two headed lady aboard the life guard pirate ship. After eating hamburgers, chips and carrots the campers headed back to their cabins for K-Bar. At 2:00 the bell rang and the campers excitedly headed to the beach for the beach bash. After the introduction the camp was split in two and half went to the ball field to play beach bash style dodgeball, and the other half stayed at the beach and participated in activities such as tug o war in the water. After the beach bash all of the campers had been cooled down and they got to head out to whatever free time activity they wanted. When free time had ended the campers headed to the dinning hall where we had indoors let in so that the campers and staff wouldn't have to sit out in the hot sun. During mail call we had Egg Man come and visit again, and then the cabins had their first skit prep time. The campers got together and began to come up with ideas for the skit that they are going to perform for the camp at the end of the week. Fugitive was the evening game, which was just wonderful. The campers caught some very interesting characters this time, including Tinker Bell, an infomercial, and abandoned prom dates. Chapel was the final activity of the evening. Worship was hot again, but even more so, very powerful as the kids praised God with everything inside of them. After the verses and the staff testimony the speaker came up. He spoke of love and the unconditional love that God continually showers upon us. He also told us of the fact that God cannot force us to love him, which in itself can be seen as an act of love. The speaker ended with the fact that there is nothing we could do to make God love us any less, and that is why he shed his blood to save us. Then, he offered the opportunity for people to commit their lives to Christ, or to recommit. The chapel was silent, and the Holy Spirit moved around the room and touched hearts and changed lives.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday Junior High 3: Significance
Despite the continuing heat it was a beautiful day at camp. Breakfast gave the kids the energy they would need for the morning. Once their cabins were cleaned they went to chapel. Morning chapel, which is always high energy, included some fun action/jumping songs, the bible verse for the day, and then the skits, where there was danger on the high seas for more n' more, leg up and captn wood in eye. Skill time was after personal devotions, and the campers headed to many different activities, such as juggling and muscle building, for the rest of the afternoon. A chicken strip, french fries, and veggie lunch and then k-bar afterwards replenished their energy supply for the afternoon. The big game was Whip n' Strip. Despite the heat the campers had a blast, while staying hydrated with periodic water breaks. Free time took up the rest of the afternoon. The beach was busy for the first half, and once kids had cooled off they continued to the other fun activities that camp has to offer. Dinner was served and was followed by mail call, which tonight was ultimate team pictionary. Cabin time was next and continued the important cabin bonding that the cabins had been building for the past day. Chapel was next and after some fun singing of quality chapel songs and the review of the verses a staff member gave her testimony. She spoke of how all faith stories are significant, no matter how or when you came to be a Christian, that each person's faith is significant. The speaker spoke of significance as well, but in a very different light, he spoke of it in the significance of our little poor decisions that can tangle a web of sin, ending with the hope and promise that God can break that web down. The final activity of the evening was Sneekers, where the campers had to 'sneek' to different parts of camp to find the signer and then bring their signed free card back to home base without getting caught by a shiner. It was intense, but the kids enjoyed it as a good end to a blessed day.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday Junior High 3: Names
It was a hot start to Junior High 3. The campers arrived and enjoyed a sloppy joe lunch and some good first day conversation, including learning eachother's names, around the lunch table. Once they had headed back to their cabins and gotten settled in a bit the siren was pulled and they all ran up to fireside lawn for the camp picture, rules, and a reminder to stay very hydrated this week. The Orientation then began. The boys headed off to the Low Ropes Course and the girls began their orientation rotation. Once the girls had finished the hay ride, nurses' check and swim test, they switched with the boys. The Swim test was a cool refreshing time for the campers on this hot day. Mashed potatoes for dinner and then cabin time. The campers got to hang out with eachother and begin building bonds through encouragement, laughter and team work at whatever their cabin participated in. Chapel followed and it was a full night. Worship, staff song, (Which is sung to A Whole New World), skits, Staff testimony, offering and then the speaker. The Speaker gave his introduction and then spoke to us about how the names of God tell us of his attributes. For instance Jehovah Jireah, my provider, or Jehovah Shalom, God of Peace. Girls vs. Boys Capture the duck closed out the day and the campers headed off to bed to get some rest for the week that lays ahead.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Friday Trailblazers 2: Tube Mania
The campers started out the day with a greeting from their counselors and a yummy breakfast of breakfast sandwitches. Once they had gone and cleaned up their cabins they went to morning chapel for some joyful singing and to continue hearing the story of wood in' eye. He and his crew found the treasure today...and have to make a decision before tomorrow as to which treasure they want, the treasure of the king, or the treasure of the nemesis. The campers then went and explored the theme of today, exploring the island, in their personal devotions. The last activity for the morning was skill time, which the kids were very excited about. Lunch was followed by K-Bar, and then a very muddy game of tube mania! This is truly a game loved by many. Free time filled the next 2 hours as the campers were everywhere trying to get one last chance to participate in all of the fun activities of camp. Once the campers had enjoyed their free time and the dinner bell rung they headed to The Dinning hall for their final camp dinner. Most kids were very excited about this meal, Italian Dunkers...aka Cheesy bread with noodles and sauce. The entertainment for the night was the Staff Skit/Improv show. Laughter was heard by all as the staff performed whose line improve style games such as house party, and Movie Clips, and skits such as Movie Theatre and The Dating Game. All in good spirits and energized from the laughter they just experienced the campers headed to chapel and had a blast jumping and singing to the worship songs. After going through all the verses, taking offering and hearing a staff member give his testimony the campers listened to the speaker who told us about how we need to love our neighbour and that our neighbour doesn't only mean the person that we live next to...it means everyone that we come in contact with. The end of the week bonfire was the final event of the evening, and it was great to hear all of the things that the kids learned about this week as they grew in their friendships with eachother, their courage in doing things they didn't think they could do, and most importantly, their faith.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday Trailblazers 2: Forever
The morning started out as a typical morning. The kids woke up pumped for the day and after raising the flag went to breakfast which consisted of breakfast dogs! A very popular breakfast among many. After cabin clean up was chapel which was held outside at the ampitheatre today. The singing was so much fun and heard through all of camp. Captain Wood in' Eye had a dream sequence during the skits today in which the Hairy Fairy came and helped Wood in Eye on his quest for the treasure of the Isla de Vida. After Personal devotions the cabins participated in the final cabin time of the week. Which was so different from the first cabin time of the week beause the cabins have come together now and know eachother, so they just have a blast hanging out with eachother and talking about things that have happened so far this week. After lunch and K-bar the big game was Pirate safari. The campers had to run around camp and catch animals/creatures such as mermaids, parrots, and Monkeys, while avoiding pirates. Free time was much welcomed after the game. The beach was busy since it was a warm day here at camp. Dinner, consisting of macaroni and hot dogs, was followed by mail call where the campers played a game called Zooma. Chapel was right after mail call. It was a fun chapel what with the singing, and the verses and the staff member giving their testimony. The speaker shared the three F's with us. Forgiven, Free, and Forever. If you put them together, through Christ we are forgiven and free forever. After the evening game which was pirate patrol, was the drama, comparing attributes of God to water. For instance, Water, like God, is essential to us.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Wednesday Trailblazers 2: Fire
Well the day started off in typical camp fashion. The bell rung and the campers filed out of their cabins and to the flag pole for flag raising and then proceeded to Oak Ridge for morning let in! Their bellies were filled and energized with waffles (strawberries optional) and a cereal of their choosing. The campers, after making their cabins spotless, headed to morning chapel. They sang some fun songs, learned a new verse and caught up with the goings on of the pirates in the skit. Skill time followed personal devotions. It was a perfect day of all of the ranges of skill classes from archery or tye dying, to sailing or frisbee golf. Lunch was served at the beach and let in was performed by the pirate lifeguards. All of the campers enjoyed eating their hamburgers picnic style with their cabins. K-Bar allowed the campers to rest up for the beach bash! Splitting up boys and girls between the beach and the ballfield, all of the campers got to enjoy activities such as tug of war and dodgeball with wet sponges instead of balls, it was the beach bash after all, we couldn't let them stay too dry. Free time followed, and again the beach was very busy because it was a hot day. Of course all of the other activites at camp were busy as well. Dinner was chicken and mashed potatoes whis was quite delicious and gobbled up by all. Find the Fire was the evening game and was played right after dinner. The campers had to run around camp to different fires and find out which fire was the 'real' fire to get beads and earn points for their cabin. Chapel was the final event of the evening, and the speaker shared salvation with the campers and gave them the option to accept Jesus Christ into their lives. The Holy Spirit moved powerfully in chapel last night. The campers then went off to do cabin devotions and then to sleep to replenish their energy for the next day.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Tuesday Trailblazers 2:
It was a beautiful day here a covenant pines, warm, but beautiful. The campers woke up and headed to the flag pole for flag raising and pldege of alligence. For breakfast they ate Cinnamon Swirl french toast. And then headed off to clean up their cabins so that they could hopefully earn some cabin points. Chapel was very energetic this morning with songs like Pharaoh Pharaoh and Your Love is Amazing. After the skits, where the characters really did experience danger on the high seas, the campers went to take some time alone with God. Skills class was the last event of the morning, and the campers enjoyed very much learning new things and discovering their talents and abilities that God gave them. Lunch was eat with your cabin pal! So all of the cabins got to know their cabin pal a little bit more over a yummy corn dog lunch. Once the campers had rested during K-Bar they were ready for the big game of the day: Whip n' Strip! The excitement was so fun as they got their paint on their faces and played their hardest. Free time was for the remainder of the afternoon. The beach was pretty busy the whole day, since it was a warm one. But of corse the craft hall and climbing wall was also very busy as well, with campers enjoying all of the different things they love to do. Dinner, of tater tot hot dish, was followed by cabin time...where the cabins got to participate in a fun activity and got to share stories of the day with eachother. Chapel was next and the heat inside the chapel didn't stop the kids from singing praise to God at the top of their lungs, what a beautiful sound. The final activity of the evening was Fugitive. It was one crazy game. With people like peter pan and windy floating around, as well as coco puffs, captain cruch, and oatmeal, and a surfer the kids had a blast capturing the fugitivies and using their imaginations to figure out who the character was as they brought them back to jail. Bed time was next and the day ended blessed by God.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Monday Trailblazers 2: Loud Voices
What an awesome first day, and what a great group of campers. Arriving at about 12:40 the campers were greeted on the staff members on the bus, and then they were greeted by the rest of the staff members on the playground where the introductions were held. The cmpers got split into their cabins and headed off for their sloppy jo lunch. At 2:10 the siren was pulled and all of the campers and staff ran to fireside lawn for some rules and a camp picture. Then the first day orientation rotation. The boys started out at the beach/hayride/nurses' check, and the girls started out at the ropes course then switch. Dinner followed, a mashed potato and gravy dinner, and then mail call where Egg Man's sister's visited, and had raw egg night. Only one egg was boiled...to the surprise of all. Cabin time followed, which provided an important opportunity for the cabins to grow closer together at the beginning of the week, and then chapel. Chapel was wonderful, for the first time the summer, the campers were heard above the sound system, and what an incredible thing, hearing the voices of these campers rising to GOd in praise. The speaker told the campers about some of the attributes of God to start off the week, and then challanged them to think about which one was their favorite. The last activity of the evening was capture the duck which the campers were estatic about! THe boys won the first round and nobody one the second round, but both rounds were enjoyed by all! Then off to cabins for devos and to bed for a good night's sleep.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Saturday Junior High 2: Pink Hair and Wet Staff
There was a lot going on this final day of Junior High 2. The campers woke up and went to a breakfast that was coffee cake, scrambled eggs, and cereal/oatmeal. After cabin clean up/pack up they went to chapel where the cream of the crop favorite camp songs were sung and the missionaries gave their final word, the skits were wrapped up and the pirates chose to not take nemesis' gold but to instead search for the king, and the speaker gave his final word. He told us about how God can use any of us to make a difference and to take heart and courage in that. Then it was throw staff members in the lake time. Three staff members were sceduled to go in, but an unexpected forth got thrown in as well, to the delight of all, including the unexpecting staff member. Once all of the cabins were checked out they headed to lunch where two of the staff members showed off their pink hair which they dyed because the campers raised over 1400 dollars for offering this week. After watching a video, the campers headed to fireside lounge. We prayed for safety and then wished the campers farewell, and they headed home.
Friday Junior High 2: Prayer
What a day for the final full day of Junior High 2. Breakfast consisted of egg mc muffin sandwitches, which most people were very excited about! After breakfast and the final cabin clean up the campers headed to chapel where the skit showed the chaoice that the characters had between the search for the king and the treasure of the nemesis which was gold and riches, and the clif hanger of the day was which treasure they would choose. The campers also learned a few words in lingala, a language used in Congo, from our resident missionaires. Once personal devotions were over they went to their second and last skill class of the week. Everybody enjoyed their time and they got good and hungry for lunch, whch was corn dogs. The filling lunch made for some sleep campers, so k-bar was much welcomed by all. They rested up for socko! Another very popular game in which the campers attempt to take socks off eachother. During free time the camp was bustling with last minute visits to every part of camp. The Craft hall was full of kids making sure they got their lanyards, the tower was busy with kids excited to go down the zip line, and the beach was busy with campers making sure they got one last time on the saturn. Dinner was full of wonderful fellowship, followed by mail call where the campers played the guess the Disney song game. The Camper Skit Show followed, and following an opening rap performed by three of our staff members the skits began and the cabins showed off their creativity, humor, and in the case of some cabins, a lesson that they learned this week. High energy chapel was next, where, after songs and going through all of the verses, the speaker told us about pray. He gave us different examples of prayer, some of them more serious, and some of them kind of silly, but through all of the examples we were reminded that God is listening to every prayer, no matter how it is sad, and that through prayer, he also wants to share what he has to say with us, he wants us to listen to him, because there is so much that he wants to tell us. The closing bonfire was held in lakeside chapel because it had been raining earlier, and the ampitheatre was still a little bit too wet for the camp to go there. However, lakeside was still a wonderful place to have the closing fire and to hear about all of the things the kids had learned this week.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday Junior High 2: Cheesy Breadsticks
The day started out as usual with flag raising, reciting of the pledge of alligance and let in, which consisted of quiestions about childhood memories for two of the staff members. Tasty french toast sticks and cream of wheat were served for breakfast to the delight of many a camper and staff member. Once breakfast was over the campers clean3ed their cabins to perfection and then headed off to ampichapel, which is the technical word for chapel and the ampitheatre. It was so much fun for the campers to go and worship God outdoors in his creation. The campers then spent some time alone with God and then headed to their first skill class of the week. Lunch followed and delicious soup, sandwitch and lots of fruits and veggies filled the campers stomachs. Gurella Warfare followed k-bar as the afternoon game. The staff members, covered in mud, ran through the crowd of campers into the woods and the campers followed them, searching for the general while avoding the gurellas. Free time was next, and it was quite enjoyable for everybody as they got to participate in their favorite activities. Dinner was noodles with sauce and cheesy breadsticks. Which are a favorite of the campers. Once the trays were put away the campers played a fun game called zooma for mail call which consisted of pictures of places and things around camp that were zoomed in up close and they had to guess what they were. The campers really enjoyed testing their knoweldge of camp activities. After some creative skit prep time was an early chapel. Chapel was powerful. The songs led perfectly into the staff testmiony, where the staff member spoke of how we much only fear God, and ultimately none of our other fears matter, since God is bigger than all of them. Then the speak told us how to make God the LORD of our life, make him the boss, the ultimate authroity in our lives. The campers headed to the ballfield after chapel to play Pirate Patrol, and then into the dinning hall for the drama, which compared God to water. The drama resonated with so many campers as they realized how essential God is to us, and as they realized that God like water, is constant in their life.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday Junior High 2: Fingerprints
Despite a few bits of rain it was a beautiful day. As always it started out with flag raising and breakfast. After breakfast the campers did a very good job cleaning their cabins and then headed off to chapel. Chapel was high energy as morning chapel always it. The songs, bible verse, and missionary speakers got the kids excited for what the day had in store and to have open ears, eyes and hearts to see God. The kids dove into their personal devotions and then went off to cabin time, which was the final activity of the morning. Lunch was at the playground today. The pirate life guards led let in because it was beach bash day. The ever popular hamburgers filled the campers bellies and then they went to their cabins for a little bit of k-bar time. Then beach bash. After an intense beach bash introduction where the fair maiden 'Annalisa Port' was forced to walk the plank by the gator, the camp was moved to the gym because of lightning and thunder. So instead of the typical beach bash, we played some pirate pinguard in the gym, the pirate lifeguards acted as the pins. Free time was next on the scedule. It didn't rain for free time, which was nice for the campers. The wind did pick up a good bit however, but that didn't slow anybody down. Dinner was lasanga, which is evidently a popular meal, because everybody enjoyed it. Following dinner the campers had the first chance to begin planning their skits for the skit show on friday. The creative things that the campers came up with were quite impressive. Fugitive was the evening game, with quite an array of people the campers had to catch. Characters ranging from rocks and bear hunters, to wreslers and the white witch from narnia. Once the game ended it was time for chapel; U-Turn night. The speaker presented the salvation of Jesus Christ not in words but in action. He acted out a song that spoke of the movement from sacrificing lambs as Jews used to do, to the ultimate sacrifice of the Lamb, which was Jesus. Campers were moved by this as they realized that the ultimate sacrifice was for them, a free gift of hope, joy, love, and freedom from what they once where. The day was full of God's fingerprints, from the lightning and thunder, to the uplifing interactions the campers had with eachother; from the wind to the sunshine, from the incredible sunset to the joy and excitement that the campers had; and in the way that God touched the hearts of campers at chapel, and changed their lives.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday Junior High 2: Wind
What a rare day the campers of junior high 2 got to experience. The morning started off nice, a little chilly and a little windy but everybody's spirits were high and excited for the day that lay ahead. Breakfast was served, french toast and sausage. After breakfast the wind picked up. Once the cabins were clean the campers headed up to chapel where they learned the verse for the day, watched the pirates in the skit get caught in a huge storm, and listened to the resident missionaries talk about the congo, where they serve. Right after chapel the power went out, supposedly by a tree that fell due to the strong winds. Not that big of a deal though because no power doesn't effect skill time, so things went on as normal. However, the power wasn't on by lunch, but somehow the cooks were still able to make chicken sandwitches for us to enjoy. All through k-bar, the intense afternoon game of whip n' strip, and a fun free time the winds kept on coming and the power kept on being non existent. Dinner was mashed potatoes and gravy, and for mail call the cabins competed against eachother in ultimate pictionary. Cabin time followed mail call and all of the activities around camp were busy with cabins coming together and enjoying themselves. Sometime during cabin time the power came back on so we were able to enjoy a full chapel night, with great songs, an energetic review of the verses we learned, a staff testimony, and the speaker. The last activity of the day was sneekers, a night game much loved by the campers. Then it was cabin devotions and off to bed.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday Junior High 2: Seek God
After a week of awesome kids kamp and family camp we were excited to welcome up the Junior High 2 campers! They arrived and quickly got of the busses anxious to begin their week at camp. They all congregated by the playground for an entertaining introduction to the skit characters and the entire staff. After being sorted into their cabin groups a delicious taco lunch was served. Then the first day orientation began. The boys went to the low ropes course first and the girls went to the rotation. Halfway through the afternoon they switched. Everybody enjoyed the ropes course and the challanges and bonding it provided for the cabin. Dinner was next, chicken strips with french fries, a favored meal among the campers. Right after dinner was cabin time. All of the campers enjoyed they activities that they participated in and they all came closer together as cabin groups through not only the shared experience but through encouraging eachother to over come fears and obstacles as well. Chapel followed Cabin time. It was a blast a chapel. We had worship time with some high energy praise songs, the staff song, the continued introduction of the skit characters, a staff member give her testimony, and the speaker talk to us. He asked those who had a deep desire to seek God with everything they have this week to keel as he prayed for them and then, as we were kneeling, he dedicated the week to God and the many ways that He will work in the campers this week. An intense game of Capture the Duck followed chapel and then cabin devotions and bed time so that the campers could rest and have energy for the fun day ahead of them.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Kids Kamp 2: Be Bold
Well, the last day of kids kamp 2007 has come and gone. The kids slept in this morning till about 7:45 and then headed to breakfast not too long after that. Breakfast was french toast sticks, which most of the kids loved! They, with wonderful servant attitudes, they picked up the area of camp that their cabin was assigned too then went to pack up their cabins. Chapel came quickly at 9:45, where they sung songs such as be bold and every move I make. Then they threw two staff members in the lake and went back to their cabins to finish cleaning and get checked out. Once all of their stuff was moved up to fireside and placed in the appropriate bus stop pile, the kids went to their last meal here, a tasty pizza lunch. Then they headed home tired and yet very excited from the awesome camp experience they had.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Monday Kids Kamp 2: Ultimate Pictionary
Yay to the full day of Kids Kamp 2! It started out rainy, but that didn't stop the fun. Let in for breakfast was held in family side of the dinning hall, and after breakfast while we were hoping the rain would let up soon, the campers played a fun game called Zooma. The game is played by showing pictures of things at camp such as the zip line and the sail boats zoomed in and the campers have to figure out what the zoomed in pictures are. Luckily the rain did let up, and the campers headed to chapel. However, shortly after chapel started the power went out, but that didn't slow us down either. We were still able to have lots of fun with the puppets, learn a new bible verse, and learn a lot more about God. The remainder of the morning the kids watched a staff skit show. Lunch was Corn dogs and nachos, and then after lunch the kids hung out in the dinning hall a little bit longer and played some Ultimate Pictionary. After some k-bar they played some pin-guard (which is a form of dodgeball) in the gym...the pins were staff members dressed up as funny characters. The last thing of the afternoon was free time and by then the rain had stopped and it warmed up a little bit so the kids were able to get into the water! By the time dinner rolled around they were ready to eat some tasty noodles with meat sauce. Cabin time followed dinner, then chapel where they were told of God's love and the gift of being able to love him back. The end of the week bonfire was incredible as the kids shared what they have learned this week, and then they got to go to lakeside for the ever enjoyable black light puppet show! After their cabin devos wrapping up the week the kids went to bed.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Sunday Kids Kamp 1: Mashed Potatoes
What a great afternoon for the start of Kids Kamp two! As the kids got off the bus being greated by the staff, everybody was so excited for the activities to come. After a sloppy jo lunch the kids got settled into their cabins and then headed up to fireside for the rules and an all camp picture. Then we split up boys and girls and the girls got some fun time to play in the gym while the boys checked in with the nurse, got a tour of camp, and played in the water that was being warmed by the sun. After a little bit they switched. Afterwards all of the kids were very hungry and ready for their chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy dinner. They all ate up and, after cleaning up, they played the guess that Disney song game. Cabin time followed dinner, and then chapel after that. Chapel was so fun as we sang songs like Pharaoh Pharaoh and He's Alive. Then the kids were whisked away to a desert island where they met some puppet pirates who 'don't do anything.' and captain Jackie Sparrow, who is afraid of ticks and mosquitoes, and is trying to decide if she should look for treasure of gold or God's treasure. After chapel we all played a game of fugitive where they captured such characters as lepurechans, cats, and a horse. The kids, now tired from the day headed back to their cabins for some end of the day devos and then crawled sleepily into bed.
Sunday Kids Kamp 2: Walk the Plank
The last day of kids kamp went really well! The campers were up, ready and excited for breakfast again, so they filled their bellies with a breakfast dog and some yummy cereal. Then they all helped to pick up camp a little bit before heading back to their cabins to pack up. Chapel came very quickly and the kids were pumped as they got to sing for the last time and the puppet show ended with the excitement about sharing the love and strength that comes with a personal relationshp with Christ. Everybody then headed down to the beach and four people walked the plank. After that, back to the cabins they went to get checked out and head to lunch. Following lunch was a game in the gym and then onto the busses and a farewell from the staff, sending them back home to tell everybody about camp!
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