Friday, June 13, 2008

Paper Clips

8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean UP
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Camper Personal Devotions
11:00 Skills Class
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Cabin Time
3:00 Big Game
4:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:30 CHAOS
7:00 Connect
7:30 Staff Skit Show
8:15 Chapel
9:30 Bon Fire
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:30 Lights Out

The campers were up and ready for breakfast at 8:15, they were prepared to be nourished for the last full day of camp. With Breakfast in their bellies they were energized for the rest of the events for the morning. Chapel was a great start to the day. In the skits, the woodpecker and Matt had a tender moment when Matt translated for the woodpecker, and they decided that it might be better to go play a game such as jenga instead of trying to destroy the city of Theopolis. The remainder of the morning was skills classes, and since it was such a beautiful day the campers got to enjoy the outside skills classes that they wanted to participate in. The afternoon was FULL of activity. Cabin time was a blast and the cabin's were glad to spend their last cabin time looking back on all the fun that they had this week while participating in their activity of choice. Then the big game was a much anticipated one, TUBE MAINIA! After a week of some crazy weather, it was really fun to enjoy the warmth, and the mud that was created by the rain. After an all camp rinse off in the lake free time began. The kids had so much fun revisiting their favorite activities from the week. They were ready for dinner, and after dinner they got to sit back and watch a 'dramatic' show put on by the staff. With funny improv/camp skits they enjoyed themselves greatly. From there we headed up to the final chapel and had a blast spending some energy on singing praises to God, reviewing the verses of the week, and listening to the speaker. She spoke of ester, a girl hero of the bible, and how even though in the book of Ester, God isn't mentioned by name once, but the story is dripping with the presence of God. The bonfire was the final activity of the evening where the campers had the opportunity to share things or commitments that they learned this week and then they went to bed for a good night's rest of their final night at camp.