Thursday, June 12, 2008


daily Scedule

8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Camper personal Devotions
11:00 Skills Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 K-BAR
2:00 Cabin Time
3:00 Beach Bash
4:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:30 Chaos
7:00 Connect
7:30 Chapel
8:45 Big Game
9:45 Drama
10:15 Cabin Devos
10:45 Lights Out

What a refreshing change from yesterday's weather. We were blessed with a warn sunny day, much to the delight of everybody. Morning chapel was fun, the skits left the campers with a cliff hanger ending...will belching bertha and deon duct tape who split off from the other three take over the city of theopolis, or will Pinecone Peter, ripped rhonda, matt save the day from the ravaging woodpecker. Since it was such a beautiful day skills time was heald outside again, and the campers had a blast. Lunch was down at the beach today with the lifeguards or Aqua 5 running Let In. After a nice rest the campers went with their cabins for cabin time to all the different areas of camp, and they continued their bonding which is important all through the week. The Beach Bash was the main activity of the afternoon. The life guards trained the campers in their super abilities of strenghth, agility, speed and underwater breathing (by passing leaking buckets over their heads) Free time was a prime opportunity for the campers to sieze the day and they did, they participated fully in every outdoor activity that they could make it too, and enjoyed the sunshine. An anticipated dinner was followed by C.H.A.O.S. (Crazy Humans Attempting Outrageous Stunts) where two rounds of deal or no deal were played and the campers won some pretty sweet prizes. Chapel was a great time to learn about the super hero of the day and the bible super hero of the day, and then to close out the night wasa the Drama where all of the campers calmed down from the incredible day and learned about the revolutionary unending love of God.