Thursday, July 31, 2008

8:05 Raise Flag/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin CLean up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:15 Skills TIme
12;15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Pack Play
3:00 Beach Bash
4:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:45 CHAOS
7:15 Connect
7:45 Chapel
9:15 Night Game
10:15 Drama
11:00 Cabin Devos
11:30 Lights Out

The day started out kind of chilly today and so most people were wearing sweatshirts or long sleeves to breakfast. However, after the campers cleaned their cabins and went to chapel and had some personal devo times it had cleared up and warmed up a good deal and it was a beautiful day for skills time! After skills time the campers gathered at the playground for beach bash let in. After a cook out lunch it was KBAR and then pack play. The packs had their final opportunity to prepare for tomorrow's Pack Attack, so they polished off their cheers, assigned stations, and pumped up the pack spirit! Then it was beach bash time. The Aqua 5 (lifeguards) rode in on the red shark and then sent the cabins off to train to become heros! The rest of the afternoon was free time followed by dinner and CHAOS (mail call) Chapel was next and the speaker talked about suiting up for life and following GOd's lead no matter what the cost. The night game was go for the gusto and from there the campers went into Oak Ridge for the drama, which talked about the revolutionary Love of Jesus.



8:05 Flag Raising/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean UP
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:15 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Pack pLay
3:00 Big Game
4:00 Free TIme
6:00 Dinner
6:45 CHAOS
7:15 Connect
7:45 Evening Game
8:45 Chapel
10;15 Head to Cabins/Devos
11:00 Lights Out

What a wonderful day it was here at CPBC! The campers had basically the same morning as yesterday with the only difference being cabin time at 11:15 instead of skills time. After lunch and KBAR it was pack play again! The campers are really getting some pack pride, which will make for an exciting pack attack on friday. The big game today was Guerilla Warfare, which the campers enjoy greatly because instead of running around in the ballfield, they get to run through the woods in search of the general to win points for their cabin. The rest of the afternoon was free time and then it was a tasty pasta dinner! During CHAOS (mail call) Deal or no Deal was back by popular demand. Afterwards was connect and then an evening game of find the fire. Chapel was the final event of the evening and through staff testimony and the speaker's talk the campers were informed of just who precious God thinks we are, and how much he gave up for us through his son so that we could be called his children.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


8:05 Raise Flag/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean up
9:30 chapel
10:30 personal Devotions
11:15 skills Time
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 pack Play
3:00 Big Game
4:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:45 CHAOS
7:15 Connect
7:45 Chapel
9:15 Night Game
10:00 Cabin Devos
10:45 Lights Out

It was a beautiful first day for JH3. The sun was out, and it was warm, but we were blessed with a nice breeze to keep us from over heating. The day started out with the most important meal of the day, which today happened to be breakfast sandwitches, and some really yummy plums! Then it was cabin clean up. Each day the campers clean up their cabins, both for general cleanliness reasons, and for points on the point board, the cabins that are the cleanest and maybe add a little bit of a creative element to their cleaning get points for their cabin which can potentially win them something at the end of the week. Then they went to chapel and had a great time worshipping, leaning a new bible verse, and watching the always funny skit for the day. From there they went to do some personal devotion time. Which is a time for campers to spend one on one with God before the wonderful craziness of the day starts. The final activity of the day before lunch was skills time. The campers were assigned to areas of camp to participate in a new skill or sharpen their already existing skills in concentrated areas. For example, archery, diving, soccer, card making, etc. After lunch was an hour of KBAR and then it was the first pack play of the week. Pack Play is a new activity this year. The cabins are split up into five different 'packs' and each pack has a color, and they spend time together each day hanging out with the three other cabins in their pack, and they make up a cheer, and play some awesome games, and then at the end of the week, on friday, we have the pack attack, which is a big relay race all through camp where the packs compete against eachother. The big game for the day was whip n' strip...a classic, and the campers had so much fun playing the game hard core. The rest of the afternoon was free time, and then it was off to dinner to fuel our bodies after such a busy afternoon. During CHAOS (or, mail call) the campers got a little bit messy. They played games such as Egg Man, yes, the camp legend; and Mystery Bucket. Then there was some connect time, which is like the after dinner KBAR but only for a half hour. And then it was off to chapel for worship, verse review, staff testimony, and speaker. The speaker talked about samson tonight, and how samson's strength really wasn't from his hair, but from God. The night game was fugitive, and then it was back to the cabin for devotions and some good sleep!

Saturday, July 26, 2008



8:05 Falg raise/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Cabin Devotions
11:00 Skills Class
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Cabin Time
3:00 Big game
3:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:30 CHAOS
7:00 Connect
7:45 Staff Skit Show
8:30 Chapel
9:30 Bonfire
10:30 Lights Out

WOO HOO TB3 Friday! The campers morning was same as the last three days, but the campers loved every minute of it.From breakfast to cabin clean up and chapel (where Marvin the woodpecker showed up!) Skills time was during the morning, and it was such a perfect day for all of the skils classes to take place! Lunch and then it was KBAR followed by the last cabin time, which the campers had a blast with, and then it was the Big Game, SAFARI! The campers seriously enjoyed chasing the staff turned wild animals around camp to capture them and gain points for their cabin. All of the free time options were busy today in the last two hours before dinner. CHAOS had another visit from Egg Man, and then it was a little bit of connect time which led into staff skit show. The campers had a blast seeing their favorite couselors in some crazy skits, some messy ones, and some cleaner, yet very amusing ones! They headed straight up to chapel from there! There was some high energy worship at chapel tonight! The end of the week bonfire followed, and it took place in the ampitheatre. The campers had the opportunity to share with everybody all of the things that they learned through the week! It was made clear that God moved in the hearts of the campers this week.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Camp Drummer

8:05 Raise Flag/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean UP
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 Skills
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Cabin Time
3;00 Beach Bash
4:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:30 CHAOS
7:00 Connect
7:45 Chapel
8:45 Night Game
9:45 Drama
10:15 Cabin Devotions
10:45 Lights Out

The day started out as kind of rainy, but that didn't get us down! The morning went on as usual, and instead of skills time this morning we had rainy day activity time. The campers got split into four groups and went to different buildings in camp for different fun and exciting rainy day actities. Then it was lunch and though lunch wasn't oustide, we still had some fun beach bash style let in. After KBAR there was some cabin time, and even though the sky was still over cast all of the planned activities went on for cabin time. The beach bash today was a sweet game of tube mania! Free time was followed by dinner which was followed by CHAOS which consisted of a new mail call game. Connect time led into Chapel and the campers had a blast worshipng and going over all the verses. The big game was relocated to the gym because of the very muddy condition of the ball field. And then the final event of the evening was the drama which shared with the campers about how much Jesus Truly does love us and the many different ways that he shows his love.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

SPF 80


8:03 Raise Flag/Breakfast
8:58 Cabin Clean up
9:28 Chapel
10:28 Personal Devotions
10:58 Sills Time
12:13 Lunch
12:58 KBAR
1:58 Cabin Time
2:58 Big Game
3:58 Free Time
5:58 Dinner
6:28 CHAOS
6:58 Connect
7:43 Chapel
8:58 Cabin Devos
10:13 Lights Out

Seriously, God has liked beautiful weather this week! It was another perfect day here at CPBC. Today during skills the campers got new skill classes to partake in, and they enjoyed experiencing a new part of camp! Lunch and KBAR were followed by cabin time and then a new game. The name of the game you my ask...Don't Get the Counelor Wet! Each cabin had to protect their counselor from the impeeding water with cardboard and whatever else they chould come up with to create a shiled for their counselor. It was a hit with the campers on this warm day! The rest of the day was free time and then dinner and chaos. During Chaos another lucky camper got to partake in Deal or No Deal, and ended up making a deal and winning a popcorn party and a free item from the canteen! After connect was the final event of the evening which was chapel and the campers heard about the salvation that Jesus Christ offers us through his death on the Cross and his resurrection!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Forest Green

8:07 Raise the Flag/Breakfast
9:02 Cabin Clean up
9:32 Chapel
10:32 Personal Devotions
11:02 Skill time
12:17 Lunch
1:02 KBAR
2:02 Cabin Time
3:02 Big Game
4:02 Free Time
6:02 Dinner
6:32 CHAOS
7:02 Connect
7:47 Chapel
9:02 Night Game
9:47 Cabin Devotions
10:32 Lights Out

God certianly blessed us with a beautiful tuesday for TB3. It was warm and sunny and the sky was a beautiful blue. The day started off with a great french toast sticks breakfast, and from there headed into a daily morning here at covenant pines. Cabin clean up, chapel, and personal devotions. Skill time was the last activity of the morning. Skill time is a chance for the campers to get assinged to groups where they can learn new skills such as archery, soccer, and diving among many other things, or where they can improve on a skill that they already have. Lunch and KBAR energized the campers for the afternoon when they had cabin time followed by a big game, which was WHIP n' STRIP! All time favorite camp game for many many people. The rest of the afternoon was free time, and since it was such a beautiful day all of the options were open to the campers. They had so much fun exploring camp and all of the posibilities available to them during free time. After dinner was CHAOS which here at camp is really Mail call. During this time the campers play some fun games that usually end up with a staff member being pretty messy. The two games tonight were egg man (a camp legend) and honey face (a new one!) After dinner it was connect time, which is just some down time between dinner and chapel for the campers to hang out with eachother outside of their cabins. Then it was chapel where we had some worship and verse review, and a staff testimony which was about being yourself and being ok with that! Afterwards it was the game, which was FUGIIVE! The campers had so much fun finding crazy characters and bringing them back to the 'jail' to get points for their cabins. Then it was back to cabins for cabin devotions, which is a wrap up of the day, and then off to bed to rest for the day ahead.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Alrighty, here's the Deal, Junior High 2 was sweet! Even though it rained today it ended on a great note. After an incredible last night, with the most amazing hallelujah EVER, the morning came with lots of energy. Flag raising and breakfast were great, and then the campers did their part to clean up camp. All of the cabins were assigned different areas of camp to clean up, and now camp looks excellent. Then they headed back to their cabins to pack up and get ready to head home. The big event of the day was chapel. It was a wrap up time for everything that had happened this week. There was some great worship time, and then the wrap up of the skits where Duct Tape Deon and Matt went through some pretty big changes since friday. we learned a final verse and the speaker wraped up the week in an awesome encouraging way for the campers. Then it was lunch time and the campers headed home after a send off blessing from the staff. Get ready to welcome your camper home and hear some awesome stories from them!

Friday, July 18, 2008


8:05 Raise the Flag/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean UP
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devotions
11:00 Skill Time
12:15 Lunch
1:15 KBAR
3:00 Big Game
4:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:45 CHAOS
7:30 Cabin Time
9:00 Chapel
10:00 Bon Fire
10:30 Cabin Devos
11:15 Lights OUt

It was a excellent friday for Junior High 2. It was beautiful weather, the sun was out, and the temperature was just right to enjoy all of the sweet activies that Camp has to offer. The morning went along swimmingly with the usual scedule and thens ome skills time. After lunch was KBAR and the campers got stoked for the PACK ATTACK! The campers were SOOO excited and into their team spirit. At lunch all of the teams had a cheer show down to show off the sweet cheers their packs had come up with. The blue team ended up winning the Pack Attack, but all of the campers had an awesome time participating. The Big game of the day was guerilla Warfare, the campers loved that game as they got to run around in the woods looking for the general, and trying not to get caught by the staff members. THe reat of the afternoon was free time followed by dinner then CHAOS> Cabin time was the evening activity, and the campers had so much fun hanging out with their cabins for the last time before the week was over. Talking about the week and all of the fun stuff that they did. Then it was chapel and the closing bonfire where the campers had the opportunity to share what sorts of things they learned about this week. Afterwards, it was off to cabins for cabin devos and lights out so that they could get a good rest for the journey home tomorrow.



8:05 Raise The Flag/breakfast
9:00 Cabin Clean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devotions
11:00 Pack Play
12:15 Lunch
1:15 KBAR
2:00 Beach Bash
3:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:45 CHAOS
7:15 Connect
8:00 Chapel
9:15 Night Game
10:00 Drama
10:30 Cabin Devotions
11:15 Lights Out

It was a typically awesome Junior High Morning with breakfast, cabin clean up, chapel and personal devos. The physical activity for the morning was the final offical pack play. The campers assigned themselves to their stations for the pack attack tomorrow, perfected their cheers, and just had a great time hanging out. Lunch was supposed to be at the beach, but that was unable to happen because of a random dounpour of rain...But there was still an incredible beach style let in at the dinning hall. It rained during most of KBAR but then the sky cleared up just for the beach bash at 2:00. Therefore, the beach bash was a smashing success, as the campers enjoyed playing some fun water games, and having the opportunity to cover their counselors in paint. The rest of the afternoon was free time. It was a little bit longer free time than normal, but the campers had a blast getting to do whatever they wanted! Dinner followed, and then some CHAOS with a sweet new mail call game. Afterwards was connect time and then chapel. In Chapel the cameprs got to suit up the speaker and make her into a super hero. The night game was Go for the Gusto, which the campers enjoyed greatly, and then they headed towards the drama to learn about the revolutionary Love of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


8:05 Raise Flag/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin CLean uP
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devos
11:00 skill Time
12:15 Lunch
1:15 KBAR
2:00 Pack Play
3:00 Big Game
4:00 Free TIme
6:00 Dinner
6:45 CHAOS
7:15 Connect
8:00 Evening Game
9:00 Chapel
10:15 Cabin Devos
11:00 Lights Out

The morning went along as camp mornings usually do. There was a little bit of rain right before lunch so they had to move the outdoor skills times inside, but the campers still had a blast doing inside activities. Then after lunch God cleared up the sky for pack play and the big game which was SOCK O, and that went incredibly well. The rest of the afternoon was free time,a nd God continued to hold off the rain, which was great. Dinner was followed by a CPBC style Deal or no deal CHAOS. From there was connect then the sweetest evening game called Find the Fire...oh yes, it was great. Then it was chapel/U Turn Night. The campers learned about how Death + Jesus = life...and if we choose to live for him and let him be thel aeders of our lives that he will give us a life better than we could even begin to imagine.

New Zealand

8:05 Flag Raising/Breakfast
9:00 Cabin CLean Up
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Personal Devotions
11:00 Cabin Time
12:15 Lunch
1:15 KBAR
2:00 Pack Play
3:00 Big Game
4:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:45 CHOS
7:15 Connect
8:00 Chapel
9:15 Night Game
10:15 Cabin Devos
11:00 Lights out

It was a great full day to start off with for Junior High two. After the morning activities, which included chapel and a great skit, as well as cabin time, they went onwards to lunch. For an hour after lunch they just had some Kick Backa nd Relax time, and got energized for the events of the afternoon. The first even was pack play, which is new this summer. How it works is the cabins are split up into five groups of mixed boys and girls cabins, and they become packs and they spend time together each day hanging out and having some fun doing all the great activites there are to do here at camp. The game of the afternoon was Whip N' Strip. It was a pretty awesome game which everybody got into. However, because of this, it was a tie game, but that's not what is important, the main thing is that everybody LOVED it. The rest of the afternoon was free time, and it was super fun for the campers to have the first chance of the week to go and do wahtever they wanted to. By the end of the two hour free time everybody was ready for some dinner. During Mail Call/CHAOS the campers got to play Honey Face and Egg Man...and the original egg man, the camp legend himself was there. From there they went to a time called connect, which is also new to the summer. It's just a little bit of down time when the campers get to chill for a while between dinner and the next activity. Then it was chapel, where we learned about sin and how it effects our lives, and then the final activity of the night was fugitive. It was quite the game with some fugitives that you wouldn't expect, like Indiana Jones, Henry Jones and Shorty, as well as Little Red Riding Hood and Granny, and Scooby Doo! Yup, some pretty famous people showed up for our game of fugitive. Then it was off to the cabins for devotions, a time tor eflect on the Day and learn more about God, and then off to bed to rest up for the next day.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Friday Senior High 2

It was a great last day for senior high two. The campers got the chance to sleep in untill brunch which began at 10:00 am. They loved the fact that they got to get some extra rest. The rest of the morning went on as usual, cabin clean up, chapel, practices, and Personal devotions. Then at 2:00 they had a snack/lunch. The remainder of the afternoon was free time. It was a pretty relaxed day for the campers. Then a little before six the whole camp got ready for the senior high banquet, which is quite the classy affair. The campers enjoyed their meal very much. Desert ended up being served in the gym, because of severe weather, but the campers made the best of it. Once the warnings expired we headed off to the chapel for the talent show and Chapel. In chapel the speaker told about how we may think people interrupt our lives, but really God may be putting them there as an opportunity to tell them about Jesus...and we need to keep aware and be glad for those opportunities. From chapel we went to an inside bonfire, and then it was off to bed so they could be well rested to come home the next day.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

SockO History


8:45 breakfast
9:30 Cabin Clean up
10:00 Chapel
10:45 Practices
11;30 Personal Devos
12:15 Male dodgeball game
1:00 Lunch
1:45 KBAR
2:45 Free TIme
6:00 Dinner
6:30 CHAOS
7:15 Big Game
8:00 Coffe House/Tourny Time
9:30 Chapel
11:15 Head to Cabins/Devos
12:00 Lights Out

The day started off as usual with the most important meal of the day, breakfast. And the rest of the morning went on as usual for senior highers. that is, untill 12:15 when the male staff took on the male campers in a game of dodgeball. It was an intense four rounds, but the campers ended up winning. Lunch was out on fireside lawn today, it was a good old fashioned cook out with hamburgers and all the fixings. The rest of the afternoon was free time. Dinner and CHAOS (mail call) were followed by a big game in the ball field of SOCK O. Then there was some down time with a coffee house in fireside and some basketball and carpetball tournaments in the gym. CHapel was the final event of the evening, and then it was off to cabins for some Devos and then to bed.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


8:45 Breakfast
9:30 Cabin Clean Up
10;00 Chapel
10:45 Practices
11:30 personal Devos
12:15 Cabin Time
1:00 Lunch
1:45 KBAR
2:00 Big Game
3:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
6:30 mail Call
7:30 Powder Puff
8:45 Chapel
10:15 Night Game
11:15 Head to Cabins/Devos
12:00 Lights out

Yeah Senior High 1! The day started out with a tasty was breakfast dogs, which is quite popular among the senior highers. Cabin clean up and chapel were as usual, and then they split off into four groups for Practices, which is a time to learn about different things we should learn how to practice (hence the name) as followers of Jesus Christ. Testimony, forgiveness and community are a few of the practices that they learn about. After that was some personal devo time to relfect on the practices and just spend some time alone with God. Cabin time was the last activity of the day and then lunch followed by a short KBAR because WHIP N' STRIP was the big game of the day! It was an intense game, but sooo much fun. Free time was the rest of the afternoon. Dinner was accompained by an egg man mail call, and then it was Poweder Puff time. Each senior high, the staff females take on the camper females in a game of football...the game gets hard core, and the campers ended up winning this time. Afterwards was chapel where the speaker talked about sin, and how it takes one little action repeated for sin to creep into our lives, and how we need to learn to become aware of those week points, and make sure that God is in them. The final activity o the evening was the night game, fugitive, which takes on quite a different attitude than the other camps, since it is dark when the game is played, the fugitivies must truly be found, and in most cases that is not easy to do, so the campers enjoyed that game greatly, and the challange that it brought them. Then it was back to their cabins for cabin devotions and lights out.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


8:05 Flag Raising/Let In
9:00 cabin Clean UP
9:30 Chapel
10:30 Even Cabins in Ball Field, Odd Cabins at Beach
11:15 Switch
12:15 Lunch
1:00 KBAR
2:00 Cabin Time
2:45 Big Game
4:00 Free Time
6:00 Dinner
7:30 Chapel
8:30 Bonfire
9:00 Black Lite Puppet show
9:30 back to Cabins/Devos
10:00 Lights Out

The pathfinders had an awesome day today! They started it out with a tasty breakfast, as all breakfasts are here at CPBC. Then they went to their cabins to pick up and headed off to chapel where they puppets taught them more about God, then they went to the ballfield or the beach for just some fun play time. They played a game in the ballfield, and just had some open swim time at the beach. It was lunch afterwards and then KBAR (Kick Back and Relax) so that they could rest up for their afternoon. After they headed towards the ball field, and since they were a little bit older campers, they got to play the famous whip n 'strip. They had a ton of fun, and each team won once! After the game was Cabin time, and then a two hour free time, the cameprs went around with their cabins to all the different places and activities at camp, it was pretty sweet and the campers had a blast. After their full afternoon they were ready for a tasty spaghetti dinner. The final events of the evening were chapel, the end of the week bonfire where they got to share what they learned with the rest of the camp, and then black lite puppet show, which was just great much to the enjoyment of many people. Then back to their cabins for devos and off to bed.